Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

10 Sep 2012

Transition appears in A-level Global Citizenship exam questions

Here is a great story that appeared in the most recent ‘Round-up of what’s happening in Transition’ which you may have missed, and so deserves a retelling. Transition Network’s Ben Brangwyn begins the story:

“About 3 years ago, Transition Network was contacted by one of the UK examination boards requesting our permission for an exam question about Transition to appear in the national examinations for “Global Citizenship”. We were sworn to secrecy and had to sign several official-looking documents.

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Categories: General

6 Sep 2012

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:14 – Charlotte Du Cann on social reporting and the launch of Transition Free Press

It’s not every day you get to attend the launch of a new national newspaper!  Charlotte Du Cann is editor of Transition Free Press and also co-ordinates Transition Network’s wonderful Social Reporters blog.  The 2012 Transition Network conference will see her taking two roles, firstly launching, on the Friday evening, Transition Free Press formally into the world, and secondly co-ordinating the social reporting of the conference.  Can such an event self-organise and document itself?  How can those unable to attend be kept in touch as the event unfolds?  What does the launch of a new quarterly Transition newspaper look like?  On your behalf, dear reader, we asked Charlotte those very questions:

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Categories: General, Storytelling, Transition Free Press, Transition Network Conference 2012

6 Sep 2012

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:13 – Dave Chapman on unlocking the potential of localism

One of the key workshops at the conference will be ‘The Potential of Localism to Unlock Transition’, which will explore the new tools now available to communities due to the localism agenda and what could be done with them.  It will be chaired by Transition Network’s Rob Hopkins and will include Frances Northrop from Transition Town Totnes and Philip Revell from Sustaining Dunbar.  It will begin with a crash course in localism, everything you could want to know about it and how it works, from Dave Chapman, Head of Social Action at Locality (formerly the Development Trust Association and BASSAC), and will include plenty of time for discussion and questions.  We asked Dave to tell us more about what he’s planning to say at the workshop:

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6 Sep 2012

A July/August Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

This month’s round up covers two months, because this time last month half of the team that lovingly create these round ups was away when they should have been producing this.  As a result it’s a bit of a whopper.  The latest Transition Bristol newsletter begins In this issue…. The Bristol Pound is coming, the Bristol Pound is coming, oh, and lots of other stuff too! Read on”.  That seemed like a good way for us to start too.  The Bristol Pound, the vastly exciting imminent launch of a city-wide currency that is creating a frenzy of media interest, is nearly here.   Here is a short film about it:

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5 Sep 2012

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:12 – Hal Gillmore on the London Transition Tour

On the Monday following the 2012 Transition Network conference (September 17th), Hal Gillmore of Big Green Canoe will be leading ‘The Brixton/Belsize Tour’, which visits those two London Transition initiatives.  You’ll experience the Brixton Pound (arguably the coolest bank notes in circulation, anywhere), the Remakery (formerly Brixton Reuse Centre), Community Draught Busters and Brixton Energy, as well as a range of Belsize Transition happenings, including some great urban permaculture plots, such as a food garden in the carpark of a Premiere Inn.  You will need a Zone 1 and 2 Travel Card, and the whole thing is being run on a donations basis.  A fantastic and inspiring way to wind down after the conference.  Everything you need to know is here.  We asked Hal to tell us more about the tour, where it will be visiting, and what you should hope to get out of going on it:

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Categories: Transition Initiatives, Transition Network Conference 2012