Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

27 Apr 2006

Fuelling the Future DVDs Now Available from PowerSwitch

FTFFuelling the Future was a 2 day conference that I intiated and, with a wonderful team of co-organisers and a larger team of lovely volunteers, made a reality in Kinsale last summer. I still meet people who talk about the event as one of the most uplifting they had ever been to. For me it was a kind of parting gift to Kinsale, as I was about to move to the UK, and it was also an opportunity to invite some of my heroes to what my idea of a peak oil conference was (inspired, albeit at a distance, by the Community Solution conference in Oregon).

It all came about when I heard that David Holmgren was to be in Europe that summer, and then later that Richard Heinberg was in Dublin around the same time.

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26 Apr 2006

“CPULs – Continuous Productive Landscapes” – A Review

CPUL**Review of CPULs – Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes. Designing Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Cities. Andre Viljoen (ed) 2005. Architectural Press.**

Great book, terrible title. Andre Viljoen has put together a book of the most profound importance at this point in history. How will we feed our cities beyond the age of cheap oil? Does the old concept that the cities are for people to live in and the countryside is for growing food in still have any relevance when our cheap transport system is no longer able to function? Viljon argues not. We should view our cities as much in terms of being productive spaces as we view our rural areas.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Food, Localisation, Peak Oil

25 Apr 2006

Interpendence continued – the story of the Swiss Cottage.

swisscottOne of the most gorgeous buildings I have ever seen is the Swiss Cottage near Cahir in County Tipperary. It was built around 1810, and is a fine example of cottage orné, a style that was particularly fashionable among the well-to-do at the time. The cottage was originally part of the estate of Lord and Lady Cahir, and used for entertaining guests. As well as being a fine example of gorgeous architecture, it also offers a very useful allegory for the concept of Interdependence I wrote about yesterday in my review of the recent NEF report on the subject.

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24 Apr 2006

The UK Interdependence Report – A Review

nefThe UK Interdependence Report: How the world sustains the nation’s lifestyles and the price it pays by Andrew Simms, Dan Moran and Peter Chowla has just been published, and is essential reading for those of us promoting localised responses to peak oil. Produced by the excellent New Economics Foundation, it builds on the concept of ‘Ecological Debt’, as outlined in Andrew Simms’ book of the same name.

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22 Apr 2006

New Article on Building Miles published in Resurgence Magazine.

Building Miles – Building for beauty, efficiency and abundance – by Rob Hopkins

wallI wrote the following article which appears in the latest issue of Resurgence Magazine. They have given me permission to reprint it here.

A recent report argued that food can only be called sustainable when consumed within a twenty-mile radius of where it is grown, organic or not. The concept of food miles is generally accepted now, but for most of us it applies no further than food. While green building from the point of energy efficiency is becoming more commonplace, we need to consider the issue of building miles. We need to ask how far have building materials travelled?

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