Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

30 Nov 2009

‘How We Used to Live’: bringing Transition and oral history together

how we used to live posterWe had a great event last week in Totnes, called ‘How We Used to Live’, which explored the most recent period in history when the town had a more localised economy and less energy than it does today.  It was built on the oral history work that I have been doing, which will feature in the Totnes EDAP when it comes out.  The evening featured Barrington Weekes from the wonderful Totnes Image Bank and Rural Archive, and four of the people I interviewed.  Two of them, Douglas Matthews and Ian Slatter, have since passed away, and the evening was dedicated to their memory.

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: General, Localisation, Oral History

25 Nov 2009

Spending Time with a Bevvy of Social Entrepreneurs: a Trip to Austria

ashoka1I spent the earlier part of this week in Austria at a meeting of European Ashoka Fellows and a fascinating couple of days it proved to be.  I travelled there by train, with an overnight sleeper from Paris to Munich on the way out, and a stop-over in Cologne on the way home, which was very enjoyable (albeit somewhat knackering).  So, in a nutshell, Ashoka is an international organisation that promotes the idea of social entrepreneurship, finding and supporting people around the world (there are over 2000 fellows internationally, the large majority in the developing world) with ideas that lead to change which is a new idea that can be scaled up (I became a Fellow in March).  The idea of the 2 days was to be an orientation for this year’s intake of Fellows.

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25 Nov 2009

My TED Talk, now online

Here, finally, is the TED talk I gave in Oxford earlier this year. Probably the most nervousness-enducing talk I have ever given. I hope you find it useful.

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Discussion: 21 Comments

Categories: General

23 Nov 2009

Transition Town Tooting’s ‘Foodival’

Transition Town Tooting recently held their fantastic ‘Foodival‘ event. Rather than me write reams about it, check out the film below which offers a great record of the day.

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22 Nov 2009

The Mayor of Lambeth Goes on a Brixton Pound Spending Spree

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Economics, Local Currencies