Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

1 Feb 2010

A Review of ‘Climate Cover-up’ by James Hoggan

climatecoverupClimate Cover-up: the crusade to deny global warming.  James Hoggan with Richard Littlemore.  Greystone Books. 2009. 250pp.

This very timely book is essential reading for those bewildered by the recent backlash against climate science.  It takes things back to basics, and rather than being an exploration of the climate science itself, it seeks to equip the reader with the tools to be able to distinguish between the sources of climate-related information.  If you want to board an aeroplane, but were told by a large group of aeronautical engineers that the plane was 90% certain to crash upon take-off, would you listen to them, or to a small group, comprising a PR consultant, a botanist and a plumber, who presented as evidence an article from Readers Digest magazine?  The debate as to whether climate change is happening or not, and the need felt by media organisations to always present ‘both sides’, was over several years ago, yet since just before Copenhagen, contrarianism is back, and is back bigtime.  So who are these people?  Are they right?  And how can we tell the difference?

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Discussion: 32 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, General

29 Jan 2010

An Introduction to Food For Life

You may remember a while ago I wrote about a visit to a school near Bristol that is a Food for Life school, and how great what they were doing was.  Food for Life is a great initiative, and a great way for Transition initiatives to engage their local schools in re-engaging with the local food system.  Here is a new short film they have made, which I saw the other day and found rather inspiring.

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26 Jan 2010

Transition: what’s it all about?

Andreas Teuchert filmed a series of interviews at the 2009 Transition Network conference, which he edited together around three key questions. Here is the first, the other two are posted below. Thanks Andreas, they turned out really well….

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26 Jan 2010

Transition: which technologies would you like to take with you into the future?

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Discussion: 20 Comments

Categories: General

26 Jan 2010

Visions of Transition

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