Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

5 Jul 2010

Tooting’s Trashcatchers Carnival a Huge Success

Here’s a press release from Transition Town Tooting about yesterday’s wonderful Trashcatchers’ Carnival….

Tooting Trashcatchers Carnival stops the traffic.

Traffic on Tooting High Street came to a stop today when the Tooting Trashcatchers Carnival came to town!   Over 800 participants from local schools, community groups and clubs took part in this unique carnival made almost entirely from household rubbish. Over 1 million plastic bottles and shopping bags, half a million crisp packets, half a ton of renewable willow and half a ton of materials were collected over a six month period to create this extravaganza.  Check out the great piece on local ITV News… and this film, filmed from the Turtle, which gives a flavour of the event…

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4 Jul 2010

A July Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Transition Maastricht in the Netherlands open their new community garden (see below)...

This month we’re starting with some Transition snapshots from the US…and here we see the US is permablitzing too, with a potluck to follow up, while T Mill Valley has combined their potluck with a rambling hike along local trails. They recently held a very successful and enthusiastically received first event focussing on ‘Resilience from the Ground Up’, so we wish them success for the future. T Putney has now got a community garden to divide into twelve plots…great for improving people’s access to land. We look forward to seeing some pics of work in progress! Here’s a piece about TT Albany written by an interested follower. From TT Milwaukee we have lots about their Powerdown Week 2010: there’s a week’s events calendar, a report with an audio story too, and a slideshow.

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Discussion: 6 Comments

Categories: General, Transition Initiatives

1 Jul 2010

Transition Town Tooting’s Trashcatchers Carnival: This Sunday!

I have been giving occasional updates on the progress of the Trashcatchers Carnival in Tooting, which takes place this Sunday.  It is going to be amazing, but it has been touch and go as to whether the Carnivalistas are going to be able to do what they want to, to process down Tooting High Road. Now we know they will be able to, but getting to that stage has been an amazing story, which Lucy Neal of Transition Town Tooting now relates….  .  If you live anywhere near London, do get over on Sunday and give them your support. 

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28 Jun 2010

What it Looks Like When Transition Meets Climate Activism….

Here is a fascinating short film about Transition Heathrow, which has emerged from the proposed (and now scrapped) Third Runway at Heathrow Airport, and is now focused around a community garden project called ‘Grow Heathrow’, a wonderful reclaiming of a derelict market garden site.  It will hopefully spark an interesting discussion here about how Transition and activism come together … thanks to the JustDoIt people for making the film…

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28 Jun 2010

Lord Monckton Defrocked, Point by Point….

I haven’t blogged about this before due to lack of time, but I really should have, given that it really is essential reading/viewing.  Lord Monckton is one the leading climate sceptics out there, who very publicly argues that the world is actually getting colder, the oceans are not acidifying, arctic ice is not retreating, and that climate change is all a scam cooked up by the UN in order to usher in a New World Order (still with me?). Last October, he gave a talk at Bethel University in Minnesota in which he set out his case.  In the audience was one John Abraham, associate professor in the School of Engineering at the University of St Thomas in Minnesota.  He knew something was wrong, and then went off and spent months chasing up Monckton’s references, arguing that “the science community is slowly learning that if we don’t perform this service, no one will”.  His conclusion?  Every single reference is misinterpreted, distorted or falsified.  His online presentation patiently goes through every one of Monckton’s slides and pulls his arguments to pieces.  If you still think climate sceptics have even half a leg to stand on, this is essential viewing.

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