Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

14 Jun 2011

So, what exactly is a Transition enterprise?


‘From the Ground Up’: a Transition enterprise in Kingston, London, providing vegetable boxes to the local community.

Fiona Ward of Transition Network’s REconomy project has written the following to try and answer the question “what would a social enterprise founded on Transition principles be like?  This posted is intended to stimulate discussion, so do comment below.  Over to Fiona…

Why do we need this definition?

This document defines what is meant by a Transition Enterprise (TE). This definition is useful to the Transition Network because it helps us clarify:

  1. The kind of trading enterprises we would most like to see, as they best support the wider aims of Transition, and
  2. Where we should first direct our limited resources (e.g. via the REconomy project).

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Discussion: 15 Comments

Categories: General

9 Jun 2011

French Connection: a report on the acceleration of Transition in France

Here’s a guest blog from Naresh Giangrande on his recent trip to France.

Snow capped mountains and broad fertile valleys, welcome to Trieves; a region of France in the foothills of the Alps above Provence, and the host for the first major French gathering of Transition Initiatives. You won’t find Trieves on any map, and even Google seems not to know of its existence, however there is a strong local identity centred around ecological awareness, and it come as no surprise that it is the host of this, France’s first Transition conference. It is place of small holdings and many young people returning to the land.

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8 Jun 2011

Nigel in Transition

Is Transition all well-attended events and hugely successful projects?  Well no.  The concept of ‘celebrating failure’ and being honest about what works and doesn’t work is a key part of it, as is sharing those experiences and the learnings from it.  Here is an off-beat film from Hay-on-Wye made in that spirit, as our laconic and reflective host walks us through his experiences of trying to make Transition happen where he lives…

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7 Jun 2011

Bah… rumbled….

Here is the most wonderful potty nonsense from the US, a conspiracy theorist who in 47 seconds manages to link Transition to the Trilateral Commission, the CIA and the Council on Foreign Relations.  I tweeted this, and people enjoyed it so much I thought I’d post it here too!  Apparently the ‘agenda’ of Transition is “taking your land away from ya”.  Damn.  Rumbled.

I am not liking that picture of myself either I must say….

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3 Jun 2011

Bart Anderson on Transition

Here’s a short interview I just came across of an interview with Bart Anderson, editor of the wonderful EnergyBulletin, speaking about Transition and his involvement in it… something nice and gentle for a Friday morning….

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