Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

30 Jul 2007

David Holmgren on Peak Oil, Energy Descent and Permaculture.

Regular readers will know that I often state, at every opportunity, that David Holmgren’s book, Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability is the greatest book of the past 15 years. The EON Network have just posted an interview with David, recorded a month or so ago, in which he explores the whole concept of permaculture as a response to peak oil. David is, for me, the person from whom I have learnt the most about all of this, so this film is a bit of a treasure, and I think you’ll find it fascinating.

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Peak Oil, Permaculture

27 Jul 2007

Rummaging About in the Dashboard…

wpOne of the great things about using WordPress to do a blog like **Transition Culture** (one of the many great things – if I can do it, so can anyone) is the Dashboard feature which shows you all the other sites out there in cyberland where people have created links to your site. It allows you to keep abreast of all the scurrilous, amusing or flattering things that are being said about you, and can be very interesting. On a morning where I don’t have anything burningly wonderful to share with you, I thought I’d share the result of my rummages, which offer some interesting links to Transition-related stuff out there on the web.

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: General

26 Jul 2007

New Peak Oil TShirts Available, Win One in Our Competition!

potsGreenfibres are a Totnes-based company who have pioneered the whole field of organic and natural fabrics. They have just produced a peak oil T-shirt which we think is rather nice, on organic cotton, and £2 from the sale of each shirt goes to Transition Town Totnes. You can order them here (not from us), we think they will be all the rage this summer… . Greenfibres have kindly offered us 2 to give away in a competition, so here are the competition details.

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Discussion: Comments Off on New Peak Oil TShirts Available, Win One in Our Competition!

Categories: Peak Oil

25 Jul 2007

Amusing Nonsense on YouTube.

z1Have a look at this piece of homemade video nonsense, it is a very entertaining insight into the minds of some more extreme peak oil deniers. You see, peak oil and climate change are actually a Zionist conspiracy to curtail our freedoms and introduce new taxes. Aha. Now I see. I particularly like the bit that challenges the peak oil argument by saying that there is basically loads of the stuff left, and that “just one reserve in Alaska is large enough to fuel the entire US economy for over 100 years at the present rates of growth”. Excuse me? Come again? And there was me thinking that all of the oil in Alaska would last the US only 3 months… Climate change is all caused by sunspots too apparently. If you are looking for indicators that we are nearing or at the peak, take the rumours, as reported by David Strahan last week, that Shell and BP are considering merging, the fact that even William Rees Mogg is now writing insightfully about it and that a film like this which tries to rubbish it can’t come up with anything better than this!

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Peak Oil

24 Jul 2007

Peak Oil and Dentistry – the Final Taboo.

d1One of the taboos among the peak oil/energy descent subject is the question of population. In a recent post Sharon Astyk wondered aloud whether as a father myself I might join in the population debate taking place through her excellent posts on the subject. I must confess, it is a subject I try to avoid, as as soon as one starts to discuss it, one can feel the British National Party and xenophobes and bigots of every persuasion rubbing their hands.

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Discussion: 17 Comments

Categories: Healthcare, Peak Oil