Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

8 Oct 2008

Learning to Live with Solar Panels

The title of this post makes solar panels sound a bit like some unfortunate ailment, but moving from the instant hot water world to the solar world is definitely a process of learning a new way of doing things.  It is now nearly a month now since our solar hot water system was installed by Sungift Solar of Exeter, as part of the Transition Town Totnes Solar Heater Challenge scheme

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Discussion: 13 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Technology

7 Oct 2008

Your Projects Needed for the “Transition Guide to Food”

The provisional draft design for the book cover...

The provisional draft design for the book cover...

We are currently drawing together information on food projects across the network for our upcoming ‘Transition Guide to Food’, to be published next year. A questionnaire has already been sent out to official Transition initiatives but we are keen to hear from anyone across the network that has stories to tell about community food projects they’ve been involved in in their area. We’d like to hear
about projects that are already up and running and that can be of inspiration and/or learning to others – and by learning we mean to include problems as well as triumphs, as it’s all part of the grand
food growing experience!

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Food

7 Oct 2008

“The Futureproofers”. An article from Green Futures.

On a rooftop in Brixton, a back garden in Totnes, a village hall in Ambridge, they’re preparing for a post-oil future. So is Transition Towns busting out of the eco-niche and into the mainstream?   By Vicki Lesley and Hannah Bullock, from Green Futures magazine.

Around the country, towns are printing their own currency, turning over scraps of land to grow food and re-skilling their workforce for a future where fossil fuels are no longer on tap. When the Transition Town movement first got under way it may have sounded a little militant: “from oil dependency to local resilience”. But with 85 communities on board, 700 more looking to join, and ‘peak oil’ in the news, is this an idea whose time has come?

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6 Oct 2008

The Transition Movie: an Update from Emma Goude

Chris Watson and Emma Goude, producers of The Transition Movie, out filming in Totnes.

Chris Watson and Emma Goude, producers of The Transition Movie, out filming in Totnes.

I have asked Emma if she might do a regular blog here to keep you up to date with the Transition Movie and how you might get involved… here is her first post:

We’ve had 18 responses to the call for people to get involved with the Transition Movie. Some are professional film makers, some amateurs and some brave souls who’ve never done any filming before. This is a great start. Only 3 people have expressed an interest in the training though. We’re assuming this is because you’re all so experienced.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: General, Transition Movie

6 Oct 2008

Roberto Perez’s Visit to Totnes

We had the pleasure recently of having Roberto Perez, he of ‘The Power of Community’ fame, in Totnes recently to give a talk, imaginatively entitled, erm, ‘The Power of Community’.  He was quite brilliant, painting a powerful picture of how Cuba responded to its own peak oil experience.  Thanks to Carl Munson at, you can now hear both his talk and also a rather rousing bit he came out with at the end of the Q&A after the talk.  Our deepest thanks to Roberto for his time here.  I had a very pleasant early morning stroll around the Agroforestry Research Trust’s forest garden with him before he headed off to his next talk, in Birmingham.  Here is Nicky Scott from Chagford’s write-up of Roberto’s talk;

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: General