Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

17 Dec 2009

Open University presents two films about Transition

cclimThanks to Andrea Berardi over at the Transition Network forum for the heads-up on this one.  The Open University has just launched its Creative Climate website, and it includes two excellent films about Transition, the first one is about Totnes, and is one of the most in depth films about TTT yet done, and the second is about Transition Town Brixton, made by a member of the organisation.  Excellent films both.  Unfortunately they can’t be embedded, so pop over to Creative Climate and watch them there.   Bit chilly today isn’t it?  My fingers have only just thawed out from the ride into work.

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Transition Initiatives

16 Dec 2009

A Vox Pop of the Transition North conference

transitionnorthaudioAt the Transition North conference in Slaithwaite in November, local young people Ruby, Hayley, Eugene, Paddy, Adrian and Linda, who are part of the Two Valleys Radio project, spent the day recording, photographing and editing, and managed to get a visual and audio record of the day together in time for it to be played during he plenary session.  The result is a really engaging snapshot of the energy of the day.  You can see it here (you will need a QuickTime player).

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Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Transition Initiatives

16 Dec 2009

A Personal Report from Ben Brangwyn at COP15

cop15This report comes from Ben Brangwyn of Transition Network, who is out in Copenhagen flying the Transition flag while avoiding getting teargassed.

I’m finding that Copenhagen has a very intense and charged atmosphere, and largely positively so. Transition Network and the transition ideas have a good visibility over here, with involvement in at least 7 workshops and a steady stream (and occasional tsunami) of people from all over the world to our stand in the Expo area, interviews with several of the excellent broadcasting outfits (PositiveTV and ClimateTV) and a screening of “In Transition 1.0” in the main hall at KlimaForum.

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15 Dec 2009

Tiny Tim Movingly Predicts Climate Change in 1967

My friend Asha just sent me this. Utterly bonkers, yet oddly (and I mean odd) prescient. History does not record the lasting impact that this performance had on the children. It is, however, a moving anthem for the Copenhagen talks, and one you can sing along to. Altogether now… “the icecaps are melting…”. Beat that, Al Gore.

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Discussion: 11 Comments

Categories: Climate Change

15 Dec 2009

Naresh Giangrande interviews Tim Jackson

tim jacksonNaresh Giangrande recently sent a second epistle from Copenhagen, this time in the form of an interview with Tim Jackson.  Tim is the Economic Commissioner for the Sustainable Development Commission, and is author of ‘Prosperity Without Growth‘, which is brilliant, and which I am currently half-way through.  You can hear the interview by clicking this link here.  A fascinating look at what Transition Economics might look like…

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