Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

24 Aug 2012

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:5 – Naresh Giangrande on running two workshops (not at the same time)

At this year’s Transition Network conference (full workshop list here), Naresh Giangrande of Transition Training is co-presenting two workshops, ‘Good Lives Don’t Have to Cost the Earth’ with Jules Peck and Inez Aponte, and ‘An Introduction to the Transition Thrive Training’.  We asked him what he had planned for the workshops, and why should anyone want to go to them?

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23 Aug 2012

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:4 – Jon Walker on ‘Turning local food initiatives into social enterprises’

One of the workshops on Saturday afternoon is called ‘Turning local food initiatives into social enterprises’ and will be presented by Julie Brown of Growing Communities in Hackney, Josiah Meldrum of Farmshare CSA in Norwich and Jon Walker from the Green Valley Grocer in Slaithwaite.  We asked Jon about the workshop, what people could expect from it, and what it is that he loves about Transition Network conferences.

In response to that last question he replied:

“It’s always inspirational.  It’s always wonderful meeting all the people who are involved in these things and seeing what new is happening and catching up with old friends and getting up to date with what’s going on … they’re always a delight and really entertaining, and you learn a lot and meet a lot of nice people.  It’s a good way to recharge your batteries”.

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Categories: Food, Social enterprise, Transition Network Conference 2012

22 Aug 2012

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:3 – Sophy Banks on ‘How to make happy, healthy human culture’

One of the workshops that will take place in the first session of workshops at the conference will be led by Sophy Banks, one of the originators of Transition Training.  Here she is to tell you more about what to expect from it:

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21 Aug 2012

An interview with Charles Eisenstein: “Something in your heart knows that this is what life is supposed to be about”

About 4 weeks ago, I had the honour of interviewing Charles Eisenstein, author of ‘Sacred Economics’ while he was in the UK visiting Schumacher College to teach a course there for a week.  I had to admit before we began the interview that I have yet to read his book, in spite of the number of people I know who have insisted that I really ought to.  I decided to see this as an opportunity though, given that most people who will be reading this won’t have read it either, thereby sharing my starting point of near-complete ignorance.  I think it kind of works.  He was charming and thoughtful, and you can either hear the podcast of the interview below, or read the transcript below that.

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21 Aug 2012

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:2 – Introducing some leading social innovators

In the 4.30pm workshop slot on Saturday at the 2012 Transition Network conference is a session which brings together three leading social entrepreneurs, who will talk about their work outside the world of Transition, bringing different models, passion, enthusiasm and insights you may not previously have encountered.  We are honoured to have them, and who knows what collaborations, overlaps and connections might arise from it.  So, in no particular order, they are Lily Lapena of MyBnk, Ken Banks of and Junior Smart of the St Giles Trust (SOS Project).  A bit more about each of them:

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