Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

3 Sep 2012

Transition in Brixton appears on Al Jazeera

Here is a great piece from Al Jazeera about various Transition things underway in Brixton: the Brixton Pound, Brixton Energy and the Edible Bus Stop project.  One of the best TV pieces about Transition anyone has done yet I think…

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3 Sep 2012

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:8 – Peter Capener on ‘Power to the People’

One of Saturday’s workshops at the 2012 Transition Network conference is called ‘Bringing power to the people’, and it looks at community energy companies and their potential.  It will feature four presenters, Allan Shepherd, author of the recently published ‘Home Energy Handbook’ (who we interviewed recently here), Mark Shorrock of Inazin, Chris Rowland of OVESCO, and Peter Capener of Bath and West Community Energy.  I asked Peter what he was planning to talk about, how BWCE is going, and what it is that he looks forward to at Transition Network conferences.

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30 Aug 2012

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:7 – Chris Vernon on ‘Is Peak Oil Dead?’

The media has been awash with stories recently about the demise of peak oil, including the now widely critiqued announcement by George Monbiot that “we were wrong on peak oil“.  But were we?  Chris Vernon is one of the editors of the very popular Oil Drum website, as well as being active in Transition (and making an appearance on BBC Radio 4’s ‘In Business’ recently).  We asked him to tell us more about his workshop at the 2012 Transition Network conference, and why he looks forward to Transition Network conferences.

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29 Aug 2012

The 384 Blackboards Mystery

Why might it be that in a workshop in Somerset this weekend, 384 small blackboards were lovingly measured, cut out, sanded and painted for the 2012 Transition Network conference?  What role could they possibly be set to play at the event, at which point in the programme might they be handed out?  Might they be a new, low energy, low carbon rival to the iPad, a ‘Slate’ rather than a ‘Tablet’?  Might it be for the 2012 Noughts and Crosses Olympics?  There’s only one way to find out, you’ll have to come along and be part of this annual celebration of all things Transition, although we’d love to hear your guesses in the comments section below…

Here are some photos that tell the story of their manufacture…

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28 Aug 2012

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:6 – Isabel Carlisle on ‘Which future do we want?’, the Youth Symposium

Isabel Carlisle is presenting the Youth Symposium that takes place on the Friday before the main conference (an event you can also follow on Facebook), as well as a workshop on the Saturday looking at the ‘One Year in Transition’, the Transition Learning Journey.  We asked her to tell us a bit more about both:

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Categories: Community Involvement, Diversity, Education for Sustainability, General, Transition Network Conference 2012