Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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12 Nov 2007

Heinberg competition winner!!

hbIt taxed many of the world’s finest minds, and questions were even raised in the house about the fairness of such fiendishly difficult quizzes, but the **Transition Culture** Richard Heinberg tickets competition was no match for **Gareth Simkins**, who correctly answered that Richard Heinberg’s monthly bulletin is called ‘Museletter’. He wins 2 tickets to see Richard give the Lady Eve Balfour Memorial Lecture on Thursday 22nd November at Central Westminster Hall, London at 6pm. For more information on this wonderful event click here. Well done Gareth (and everyone else who entered, disappointingly there were no wrong answers).

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Categories: General

7 Nov 2007

Transition Bristol: The Big Event.

bePossibly the biggest peak oil/climate change/Transition event yet to take place in the UK happens in Bristol in a couple of weeks. Transition Bristol’s **Big Event** brings together some amazing speakers for a busy day of talks, workshops and films all exploring the concept of Transition in the urban context. Speakers will include Richard Heinberg, David Strahan, Jeremy Leggett and Dr. Chris Johnstone. Transition Bristol began about a year ago, and this will be their highest profile event yet, and is a day not to be missed. Their press release goes as follows

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7 Nov 2007

How to Tell When The Dollar is Really in Trouble.

dollarsThese are not good times for the dollar. The embattled currency, once seen as the global currency, is slipping, and is slipping fast. Around the world, nations and companies are withdrawing their support for the dollar. 85% of Iran’s oil deals are now conducted in currencies other than the dollar, as part of a programme of lessening the nation’s ‘dollar dependence’. At the same time, OPEC is considering creating a ‘basket of currencies for oil pricing’. This isn’t news really, OPEC nations have been moving away from the dollar for some time. The UAE bank is doing so, Syria and Kuwait are unpegging their currency peg to the dollar, and Venezuela is planning to sell oil in Euros. Yet none of this has really made the headlines. A recent development however, threatens to rock the dollar and really bring the issue to media attention.

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Economics

6 Nov 2007

Environment Agency Cite Transition Initiatives and Totnes Pound Among Its 50 Things That Will Save The Planet.

eaLists of things you can do to ‘save the planet’ often get stuck at lightbulb changing and thermostat twiddling, failing to engage with the deeper challenges. The Environment Agency brought together 25 leading thinkers in the green movement, including Tony Juniper, Jonathan Porritt and David Boyle, and asked them for their 50 things that will save the planet. The list is deep and rich, and Transition Towns appear in No.8, and the Totnes Pound gets an honorary mention in No.6. Although their enthusiasm for importing solar panels from China and for carbon capture and storage might not get the thumbs up from this end, it is still a very enlightening read. You can see the document here.

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Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Technology, Transition Initiatives

5 Nov 2007

Transition Initiatives in the Latest Ecologist Magazine.

ecThis month’s Ecologist magazine is one of the best editions yet. It contains a superb piece called ‘Power On’ which offers a refreshingly frank assessment of the UK’s energy situation in the light of peak oil and climate change which is essential reading (I’ll link to it when an online version becomes available). It also has a long piece about Transition Initiatives which presents the whole approach in a very positive way. The Ecologist have kindly given us permission to reproduce this article below;

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