Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

6 Oct 2008

The 2030 School Reunion: a powerful tool for visualising the future

We are always on the look out for, and developing, new tools and activities for helping people to look forward and vision the future. At the recent launch of the Energy Descent Pathways project, a great activity developed for the evening, used a very creative way of enabling people to imagine themselves in a Totnes that had successfully made the Transition away from oil dependency. The exercise used role play and drama, and staged a school reunion in which four characters told their stories, with the help of everyone else attending, of what had happened to them in the 22 years since 2008.

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Categories: General

4 Oct 2008

Transition on Chicago Public Radio

With The Transition Handbook now available in the US, and the first US Transition Training having been recently held by Michael Brownlee in Boulder, and with Transition Initiatives starting to pop up all across the country, I was recently interviewed by Jerome McDonnell for Chicago Public Radio’s Worldview programme.   You can hear the interview here, as well as the interview that followed it with Bill Wilson of Mid Western Permaculture, who just got back from Michael’s training, and is clearly very excited about the whole thing.  Other than Jerome thinking that Totnes is in Ireland, it all seemed to go fine…

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3 Oct 2008

“WeThink”, and an invitation to participate in the collaborative rewrite of The Transition Handbook

There are a few books that I have read during my life that can be described as ‘seminal’, that have prompted a great change in direction or thinking.  Some books that have had that effect include Fukuouka’s “One Straw Revolution”, Mollison’s “Permaculture”, Holmgren’s “Permaculture: principles and pathways”, the collected works of Joanna Macy and, on a slightly more mundane level, Joe Jenkins’ ‘The Humanure Handbook’.  I can now add another to that list, Charles Leadbeater’s book ‘WeThink’.  The implications of this book are vast, and its importance is something that I am only just starting to grasp.  Inspired by it, I am launching here today the rewriting of the second edition of the Transition Handbook, with those out actually doing Transition rewriting the book as a collaborative process.

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Categories: General

3 Oct 2008

The Totnes Energy Descent Pathways Launch: report, podcasts and poem

We had a wonderful evening in Totnes last week, where we launched the Totnes EDAP process.  About 180 people turned up, and were provided with wine and nibbles, as well as with live guitar music on their arrival.  I felt it was one of those great Transition events that appeals to both sides of the brain, some talking, some chatting, some moving around, some laughter, some poignancy, some food and drink, some fun.  To set the scene, here is how the evening was reported in the Totnes Times, the first time a TTT-related story graced the front page.  Under the headline “Why Time is Running Out”, the article ran as follows;

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2 Oct 2008

A Call for your Transition Audio Clips…

I have linked you now to a couple of things that have been posted on  In essence, Traydio is a sort of audio YouTube, where people can post interesting audio files.  They have now created a Transition section, and are inviting people to post any interesting Transition-related audio there.  Have a look, there are a few things there, although very Totnessy so far.  I’m sure a good few of you out there have digital recordings of talks or of interesting Transition stuff, so rather than letting it gather dust, whack it onto Traydio so we can all have a listen! It is very simple, just click here and follow the instructions, the user name is transition (all lower case), and the password is the same.  Thanks!

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Categories: General