Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

11 Jun 2009

Please Take Your Seats Ladies and Gentlement, the Online Screening of ‘In Transition’Starts Now…


** Please note: Due to a Request from the US that not enough people had heard about this in time, this online preview screening will now be extended until last thing Sunday night (BST)**

The film ‘In Transition’ is now available for viewing, for the next 72 hours.  The version being screened is not the final version, it still has a sequence to add and some tidying up to do, but is almost there.  We very much hope you enjoy it (you will need Quicktime on your computer)….  Please leave comments and feedback below.  For more information on the film’s release click here.  Also, if having seen it you would like to make a donation to help us finish it, please use the Paypal button below. So, to watch ‘In Transition’, click here.  Enjoy it and no rusting your popcorn at the back now please…. hey, and you two in the back row, do you mind?

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Discussion: 99 Comments

Categories: Transition Movie

11 Jun 2009

Dr. Colin Campbell, peak oil’s elder statesman, announces his retirement


Was fascinated to hear an interview with Dr. Colin Campbell over at in which he announced his retirement from the speaking circuit.  Can’t say I blame him, he has been such an extraordinary ambassador for the peak oil concept that, nearing 80, you really have to admire the fact that he is still out there giving talks at all.  I feel I have such a huge debt of thanks to Colin, that I can’t let such an historic event pass without reflection. 

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Peak Oil

10 Jun 2009

Transition on ‘The Sunday Group’, Radio New Zealand. Sunday 7th June 09

nz2For those of you who have been following the spread of Transition in New Zealand, you might find this interesting.  Last week I took part in a discussion about Transition on Radio New Zealand, along with James Samuel (who has done so much to catalyse Transition there) and Gabrielle Young (of Transition Waiheke).  The discussion looked at Transition in the NZ context and was, I think, rather interesting.  You can listen to the piece by clicking here.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition on ‘The Sunday Group’, Radio New Zealand. Sunday 7th June 09

Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil, Resilience, Transition Initiatives, Transition Towns

9 Jun 2009

The Bottom Line: business gets real about the economy…


There is that old saying about how when a new idea emerges, at first it is derided, then ignored, and then finally treated as though it had always been there (or something).  It was fascinating listening, a few days ago, to a programme on Radio 4 called ‘The Bottom Line‘, which you can listen to here for the next few days.  Host Evan Davis brought together Dr Shumeet Banerji, chief executive of management consultants Booz and Co, Rita Clifton, chairman of Interbrand London, and hedge fund manager Hugh Hendry, founder of Eclectica Asset Management to discuss various business issues of the day.  In this week’s show they discussed whether the downturn is here to stay and whether people should embrace a new era of austerity.  Six months ago the very idea would have been derided, but it is fascinating in this programme to hear how far such people have shifted. 

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Discussion: 7 Comments

Categories: General

8 Jun 2009

Your Chance to See ‘In Transition’, the emerging plans for its release, as well as an appeal for help in finishing it…

movieAs you know, we have been making a film about Transition, called ‘In Transition’, which was previewed at the Transition Network conference to a standing ovation, and which we had, unsuccessfully, tried to show online simultaneous to the conference screening.  Now, after much technical fiddling about, we can tell you when and where you can see it, and unveil the plans for its release.  So, you will be able to watch the film online at any time on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th June 2009 (BST).  We are running it over two days so as many people get a chance to fit in watching it around their busy lives as possible, one week day and one weekend day.  We think you’re going to rather like it…  There will be several stages to the release of ‘In Transition’, which are set out below…

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Discussion: 28 Comments

Categories: Transition Movie