Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

31 Aug 2010

A July Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

The rather cheeky new logo for newly formed Transition Derwent Valley (Australia)

Here is July’s round up, August’s will be along shortly, we are still catching up after the break.  We’ll start this with a plea to all you Transition initiatives who have wonderful projects that you’re not telling us about! The plea is to add them to the Transition Network Projects Directory here so everyone else can see them too, and get new ideas for what they can do…   So, for July we start in New Zealand, where TT Kapiti is putting on a series of skills workshops to see you through the dark winter months and prepare you for the summer, so if you’re around that way, why not join in and learn a new skill. Here’s New Zealand’s James Samuel commenting on Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs), with a couple of little movies to help explain why carbon trading isn’t an answer for reducing carbon emissions… if you’re interested in knowing more about TEQs, then have a look at Shaun Chamberlin’s talk and slides on the subject to help you make sense of it all.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: General

31 Aug 2010

Why ‘Green Wizards’ Get Us Nowhere New…

Transition Culture is back!  After a month of Cornish beaches, hemp lime plastering, wood store-building, cinema visits, catching up with friends, storytelling festivals, campfires and wrestling with cabbage white caterpillars, normal service is resumed.  Nice to see you again, you’re looking well.  I’m kicking off again with some reflections on John Michael Greer’s ‘green wizardry’ concept, which he calls “the current Archdruid Report project”, which will no doubt generate some interesting debate.  Greer, for those who don’t know, is a blogger and author whose work I usually admire greatly, whose excellent blog can be found here

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30 Jul 2010

Logging Off For the Summer…

Transition Culture will be closing down for most of August as I stop work and take time out with my family, sit on a beach in Cornwall for a while, visit family, leave my laptop at home, and try not to think about Transition very much (well I can try).  The last few days has been a wrapping up of various things, including the thesis I have been doing for the last 3 years (alongside everything else…) which (pause for fireworks, dancing elephants and great plumes of multi-coloured bunting) I handed in today (see left).  Don’t have to even think about it once for the next 2 months.  Thanks everyone  for all your comments and support over the year so far, much appreciated.  Have a good few weeks, normal service will be resumed here first week of September, when we’ll be into full-on Pattern Language writing mode, and other exciting new developments to be revealed when activities resume!

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Discussion: 12 Comments

Categories: General

30 Jul 2010

Something I didn’t show you before… Low Carbon Communities Challenge…

As a follow-up to the previous post, here is a short film that was made for the event that announced the 20 winners of the Low Carbon Communities Challenge, which features Transition Streets among the winners.

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30 Jul 2010

First Results from Transition Together evaluation

‘Transition Together’, the street-by-street behaviour change programme developed by Transition Town Totnes and now being piloted in 10 other communities, has just completed analysing the data that has come back from the first 4 groups, comprising 32 households in Totnes.  They have completed all 7 of the sessions set out in the workbook, and the data offers a fascinating first look at whether the process works or not.  The results from the other 31 groups currently underway are expected this Autumn.  Here, Fiona Ward of Transition Together shares the results that have emerged. 

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