Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

8 Nov 2011

The Transition Companion reviewed…

Here is another review of ‘The Transition Companion’, this time by Jeremy Williams at Make Wealth History.

If you’re a transitioner yourself, chances are you’re well aware of this book. You may even have a hand in it somewhere, having sent in a story, a photo or a quote. You may have read the draft chapters as they were posted on Rob’s Transition Culture blog, or suggested a title.  The Transition Companion: Making your community more resilient in uncertain times is the follow-up to The Transition Handbook. Where the first book proposed a movement and speculated about how it might be created, the second reports on a dynamic and growing world of Transition. It is packed with examples, stories, experience and friendly advice, gathered together from Transition groups around the UK and as far afield as Brazil and South Africa. It is a crowd-sourced answer to the book’s central question: “What would it look like if the best responses to peak oil and climate change came not from committees and acts of parliament, but from you and me and the people around us?”

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Discussion: Comments Off on The Transition Companion reviewed…

Categories: Book Reviews, The Transition Companion

3 Nov 2011

Transition Culture Melt-in-the-Mouth Pumpkin Pie

Having spent the couple of nights before Halloween hollowing out several pumpkins and ending up with mountains of orange flesh, finding something to do with it all was a challenge.  The kids had tired of pumpkin soup, so it was by good fortune that I chanced across this recipe for pumpkin pie (in Carey and Large’s book ‘Festivals, Family and Food’), and I’m smitten (and so are the kids)!  It’s easy to make, makes your kitchen smell amazing while it’s cooking, and it tastes great.  So here’s how it works.  You will need:

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Food, General

2 Nov 2011

An October Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

A bumper harvest of apples has resulted in an abundance of top Transition stories in the UK!   Local fruit harvesters, now part of Transition Kensal to Kilburn (K2K) were joined by the newly- formed Transition Willesden in setting up stall with traditional apple press in tow on the Kilburn High Road to make juice from locally-picked fruit.  As temperatures soared on an unusually hot autumn day, over 200 shoppers and children helped press the fruit, taste the juice and join in the fun (see above).  Pictures of the stall can be seen here; and local press coverage here, here and here. Thanks to Viv Stein of K2K for this great story!

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2 Nov 2011

When Transition meets fracking, and wins. The story of Transitions Cowbridge and Llantwit.

Here is a guest post from Michaela, Rob & Dinky of Transition Cowbridge, telling the story of their Transition initiative’s role in fighting a proposed gas fracking site. 

Thursday 20 October 2011 was a landmark day in the Vale of Glamorgan and one that will have a knock-on effect around the country and hopefully beyond. It was a day where community power helped to bring about a unanimous decision by the local county council to deny Coastal Oil & Gas the right to test for shale gas at an industrial estate on the outskirts of the village of Llandow.

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1 Nov 2011

New from Transition Network! A guide to embedding diversity and inclusion in Transition

For the past year, Catrina Pickering has been Transition Network’s diversity person, developing trainings networks and insights around Transition and how initiatives might better embed diversity and inclusion in their work.  Sadly, the funding for her post recently came to an end, but before she moved on, we asked her to distil her learnings and accumulated wisdom into a guide for Transition initiatives.  So, hot off the press, here it is, your fantastic, free, 25 page guide to embedding diversity and inclusion in your Transition initiative or community project.  Pass it around, and do let us know what you think.

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