Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

27 Mar 2012

A recent talk about Transition, interspersed with clips from ‘In Transition 2.0’

A few weeks ago I travelled to Brockwood Park, a very progressive school in Hampshire, to give a talk about Transition.  It was the first talk I have given that included clips from ‘In Transition 2.0’, which went down very well.  I had a great time there, thanks to everyone who made it such an enjoyable visit.  A few days after I went, they held their first Open Space to explore what becoming a Transition school would entail.

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Discussion: Comments Off on A recent talk about Transition, interspersed with clips from ‘In Transition 2.0’

Categories: 'In Transition' 2.0., Climate Change, Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Local Currencies, Localisation, Peak Oil, Resilience, Social enterprise, Storytelling, Transition Initiatives

26 Mar 2012

What Transition got up to at the Guardian’s Open Weekend

I spent Saturday evening and Sunday at the Guardian’s Open Weekend festival at King’s Place, the Guardian’s headquarters, where Transition Network was involved in a number of events.  The Open Weekend was 2 days of a wide range of events designed to bring the paper’s readership into the heart of the organisation to help shape its future in the fast-moving world of social media and publishing. 

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Discussion: Comments Off on What Transition got up to at the Guardian’s Open Weekend

Categories: 'In Transition' 2.0., Community Involvement, Food, Local Currencies, Storytelling, Transition Initiatives

24 Mar 2012

10 things I loved about being at ‘Change Nation’

I just got back from a great couple of days in Dublin at Change Nation (you can follow the event live here).  Change Nation was billed as a “social innovation platform” which brought together 50 social innovators from around the world to look at how their approaches might form a response to Ireland’s social, environmental and economic challenges (I was number 36).  The degree of support for the event from the highest level was a fascinating taste of how new thinking is starting to permeate Ireland’s reponse to its current difficulties.  Ashoka Ireland also know how to throw a great event.

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Discussion: Comments Off on 10 things I loved about being at ‘Change Nation’

Categories: Climate Change, Social enterprise

22 Mar 2012

The REconomy Project Local Entrepreneurs Conference, Totnes

The shift towards seeing Transition in terms of the rebuilding of local, resilient economies continues apace.  One of the key evolutions in this, a step change in thinking about what Transition looks like in practice, took place in Totnes yesterday.  Called the ‘Local Entrepreneur Forum’, it was introduced in the promotional material thus:

“There’s never been a greater need to rethink our economy, especially at the local level.  Social and sustainable enterprise represents the future, and here in Totnes, we’re not just waiting for the future to happen.  We’re inventing it”.

The idea was to bring entrepreneurs, investors and experts together, inspire them with possibilities, mix them up and see what happens.  It was to prove a heady brew. 

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21 Mar 2012

New video: ‘A Little Patch of Ground’

Here’s a great short film about ‘A Little Patch of Ground’, a wonderful project run by Encounters Arts in Hackney, London and in Dartington, Devon.  A very heartwarming way to spend 8 minutes on a Wednesday morning.

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