Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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12 Jul 2006

Stephan Harding on Peak Oil.

stephan**An Interview with Stephan Harding – Schumacher College 14th June 2006.**

**Stephan Harding** is the co-ordinator of the MSc in Holistic Science and staff ecologist at Schumacher College. He has lived and worked at Schumacher College since it began in 1991. He teaches Gaia theory, Holistic Science and Deep Ecology on the College’s short course programme and goes into these subjects in greater detail on Schumacher’s one year MSc Programme in Holistic Science. He is the author of ‘Animate Earth – science, intuition and Gaia’. Here he answers the 8 ‘Skilling Up For Powerdown’ questions that you’ll have already seen others answer here at **Transition Culture**.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Stephan Harding on Peak Oil.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, Gaia Theory, Peak Oil, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

11 Jul 2006

Welcoming the New Energy Review.

menWell it has arrived. No surprises. I wanted to welcome its arrival, and its effective waving goodbye to any kind of concerted national Powerdown by sharing with you this card I found in a card shop in St. Ives, which somehow for me encapsulates the role Government has chosen to play in all this. I love the guy furthest to the right, looks like he died and the rest of them couldn’t do without him around so they had him stuffed and propped up in his favourite chair.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Welcoming the New Energy Review.

Categories: Energy, Peak Oil, Politics

11 Jul 2006

Excellent New Must-See Peak Oil Film Released Online.

oil‘Peak Oil’, a new film produced by Australian Four Corners broadband in Australia, is an excellent new documentary on peak oil, and is a great example of online films. It features Colin Campbell, Robert Hirsch, Chris Skrebowski among others in a powerful summarisation of the peak oil case. The reporter, Jonathan Holmes, travels around the world trying to assess the global picture, visiting Kuwait and Alberta among other places. Running at about 50 minutes, it is

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Energy, Peak Oil

11 Jul 2006

Ask the Wrong Questions and You’ll Get The Wrong Answers – ADAS Report on Future Land Use in the UK.

ukLast Friday’s Independent ran a piece called How a ‘green’ Britain should look in the year 2020, which reported on a study by ADAS, a body which specialises in supplying advice on the environment, which looked at how the Government’s present renewables targets will affect land use in the UK. The results were very disappointing, and highlighted the delusional thinking in Government circles in relation to the whole peak oil question. Reading between the lines is a skill we all need to learn and fast.

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10 Jul 2006

Schumacher Cover Art Discovered!

pankYou may remember the recent Meg Wheatley competition where you were asked to decide from a list of choices what Schumacher College was named after. One of the incorrect answers was a fictional German prog rock band called Schumacher, whose classic album was called ‘Luminous Pancake Terror’. Last weekend as Emma and I wandered around the Tate Gallery in St. Ives, looking at an incomprehensible exhibition by the artist John Hoyland, we found a painting that would without a doubt, have been the cover of that album. If ever there was a cover for an album called ‘Luminous Pancake Terror’, that was it. Goodness knows what else it could be. Any suggestions?

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Food, General