Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

10 May 2007

Inaugural Transition Network conference – 31st May 2007.

rm**Inaugural Transition Network conference with Richard Heinberg and Rob Hopkins – May 31st.**

We’re setting up a Transition Network conference for 31st May 2007 in Nailsworth, near Stroud, Gloucestershire, at [Ruskin Mill](( The purpose of the event is to add momentum to existing Transition Towns (and cities/districts/villages), increase the connections between them. We’re also hoping to be able to encourage others to embark on their own voyage of self-determined energy descent.

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8 May 2007

Transition Towns – Local Responses to Peak Oil and Climate Change. An Interview: Part 2.

rt**Retrofitting Suburbia**

EON: David Holmgren, the co-originator with Bill Mollison of Permaculture, doesn’t agree that peak oil spells the ‘end of suburbia.’ He envisions using all that lawn space to grow food. Do you agree with catastrophic expectations for suburbia?

RH: Well, I think although “The End of Suburbia

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7 May 2007

Transition Towns – Local Responses to Peak Oil and Climate Change. An Interview: Part 1.

rtotA month or so ago,
Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle of the Ecological Options Network visited Totnes to do an interview with me about Transition Towns. We also wandered around Totnes in the rain (anyone remember rain?) and filmed bits in different places for a film they were making. Anyway, my memory of the interview we did was that it was quite brief, but they just sent me the transcript of it and it goes on and on! Here it is, it covers a lot of ground, and gives quite a nice overview of the Transition Towns idea and much else besides. Many thanks to Mary Beth and James for allowing me to reproduce it here.

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4 May 2007

Situation Vacant at Transition Town Totnes!

logo We are delighted at Transition Town Totnes to be able to offer our first paid post, that of Coordinator / Administrator. It feels like a real milestone for us to reach, and it feels great to be advertising the post. If you are interested in applying, don’t contact me!! The contact details are at the bottom of this piece. Here is the text of the ad that went into the local paper today.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: General

3 May 2007

Communicating Peak Oil to Teenagers – any ideas?

Transition Town Totnes is developing a project called ‘Transition Tales’ which is seeking to involve young people in exploring how the Transition process might be for the town, as well as to raise their awareness about peak oil and climate change. One of the great things about **Transition Culture** is all the wonderful readers out there bristling with ideas. I want to throw this out to you. Do you have any thoughts for exercises, games, demonstrations that could make an understanding of peak oil accessible to teenagers?

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Discussion: 9 Comments

Categories: Education for Sustainability