Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

3 Oct 2007

Australia’s First Transition Town!

tn**Transition Sunshine Coast** has just been officially awarded its Transition status, bringing the concept to Australia for the first time. It is a real sign of how rapidly the idea is spreading, and the enthusiasm with which people are picking it up (you can read their press release here). Sonya Wallace, one of the people behind the initiative, recently wrote a piece on her website which explains how she first became interested in the concept, which she has kindly allowed me to post below. It offers an interesting insight into how this work is inspiring people in their communities. Heartening stuff.

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1 Oct 2007

ASPO 6. In Praise of…#6. Nate Hagens.

nateI very much enjoyed the presentation by Nate Hagens called “A Supply and Demand Framework for a Full Planet”. Nate, among other things, is one of the editors of the Oil Drum. What was so good about his talk was that it came at the peak oil question from a completely different angle, and delved into areas not usually considered at peak oil conferences, in particular cognitive neuroscience. He began his talk using the analogy of the Irish Elk, which, prior to its extinction, had antlers that were 12 feet across.

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28 Sep 2007

Next Wednesday in Totnes: A Talk by David Strahan.

opo**The Last Oil Shock: The Imminent Extinction of Petroleum Man. A talk by David Strahan.**

(What follows is the TTT Press Release for next Wednesday’s talk). Whether you are a newcomer to the peak oil issue, or familiar with the debate and looking to deepen your understanding, this talk by writer, producer, and director **David Strahan** is a great opportunity to find out about the challenges facing a world current overly dependent on oil.

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27 Sep 2007

ASPO 6. In Praise of… #5. Michael Dittmar.

dThe nuclear lobby were out in force at ASPO 6. Seeing their chance to foist their poisonous technology onto an acquiescent public as the reality of peak oil starts to bite, and framing the resurgence of nuclear power as the only way of keeping the lights on, they found their most evangelical advocate in Pierre-Rene Bauquis, but others also weighed in, stating the nuclear is the only way to fill the energy gap. By mid-morning of the second day I had had enough.

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Energy

26 Sep 2007

ASPO 6. In Praise of… #4. Eamon Ryan.

er**Eamon Ryan** is a Green TD, and now Ireland’s Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. I first met him in 2005 when he came to speak at the Fuelling the Future conference in Kinsale. At that stage the Greens were just a small opposition party, and Eamon, already on board with peak oil having attended ASPO 4 in Lisbon, gave a compelling presentation about Ireland’s energy options. Two years later, having also attended ASPO 5, following a Fianna Fail’s failure to win an overall majority, the Greens are now in a coalition government, and Eamon is Energy Minister.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Peak Oil, Politics