Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

15 Dec 2009

Transition features in Kontext, a German language broadcast from COP15

robincopenhagenI did an interview the other day for Kontext, who are a German/Austrian online TV programme broadcasting from the Copenhagen climate talks.  The resultant show which features many other people who actually speak German, and me, who clearly doesn’t and am therefore dubbed, is now online.  It can’t be embedded unfortunately, but you can watch it here.   (The interview with me starts after about 1 hour 6 minutes).

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: General

15 Dec 2009

Transition Town Kinsale wins the 2009 FEASTA Award

kinsaleprizeThe Anne Behan Community Sustainability Award for Transition Initiatives on the island of Ireland

This award presented by Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability celebrates communities and groups who are using the Transition Process to meet local cultural, social, and economic needs in ways which strengthen the bonds of the community, build its resilience, economic self-reliance and protect and enhance its natural environment.

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11 Dec 2009

Transition Network Seeks a Diversity Project Coordinator

diversityA new post has opened up with the Transition Network. The role of the Diversity Project Coordinator will be to ‘develop models and practices to enable the transition movement to successfully engage across culture, race, faith and income groups.’  The recent research by Gill Seyfang, A Fine City in Transition gives a good picture of how Transition is reaching many people that environmental campaigns haven’t attracted (for example, 30% of people in Transition Norwich have never previously been involved in environmental groups).

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: General, Transition Network

11 Dec 2009

Transition Reflections from Copenhagen: Naresh Giangrande blogs from COP15d

cop15The road from here. Copenhagen  10.12.09.  Naresh Giangrande

Klimaforum the people’s conference has started slowly. Maybe a 1000-2000 of us in many different locations feeling our way into perhaps the defining moment of our life and times which this conference represents and reflect the hopes an fears of our generation in a way that no other I have even been to does. There is a tension and an intensity that I have never felt before. Even though the first day felt a bit like a party conference, people wandering in and out of speeches that went on too long.

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11 Dec 2009

Two Short Films from Transition Town Totnes

A couple of filmmakers are living in Totnes making a film about Transition, and in the process are making some short films documenting some of the TTT events taking place. Here are two short films they made, the first is about the brilliant TTT Winterfest event run a couple of weekends ago, which I haven’t yet blogged about but no longer need to now…

…and the second is about the ‘How We Used To Live‘ event the previous week….

Our thanks to them for making these records of TTT, I wish they had been here since the beginning, what an amazing archive there would now be!!

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