Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

16 Apr 2010

Are Transition Towns Healthy Towns?

janetAt a recent conference, organised by the Peninsula Public Health Teaching Network at Buckfast Abbey titled “Promoting Health: transforming lives – transforming communities”, Janet Richardson, Professor of Health Service Research, Faculty of Health of the University of Plymouth gave a talk about healthcare aspects of Transition.  As someone active in Transition Town Totnes she gave an overview of current projects underway in the town, and asked the question “do healthier communities become Transition communities, or does becoming a Transition community lead to increasing health and wellbeing?”  She also raises powerful questions about the tension between top down/ bottom up processes…  You can see her presentation here (it’s not formatted in a way that can be embedded).

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14 Apr 2010

Presentations from the Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment Conference Now Online

Recently I mentioned the Prince’s Foundation event ‘Building: a new green economy’ held in early February at St. James’s Palace, which looked at the role of green building, particularly focusing on the role local building materials might play, and the benefits they would bring.  I mentioned that the talks were filmed, and they have now been posted online.  So here they are, starting with my one (with thanks to Jeff Rubin for the ‘afford to burn’ line I used….), and followed by all the other speakers too….

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13 Apr 2010

Vandana Shiva in Totnes: GM, Climate Change and Transition

Vandana Shiva was in Totnes recently, and gave a talk as part of an evening co-presented by TTT and Schumacher College. Those darlings from nu-project were there, and documented the evening for posterity.  Vandana was on fine form, and these two short films below are a great record of her talk.

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12 Apr 2010

An April Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition (now with added film clips!)

postcarbongazetteHere is this month’s snapshot, derived from stories picked up through GoogleAlerts and lovingly compiled by Helen (to whom many thanks…), of some of what is afoot out there in the Transitionsphere.

Firstly check out the latest edition of Transition Town Worthing’s excellent ‘Post Carbon Gazette’, and Transition City Lancaster (who have their Unleashing next week!) have produced the ‘Lancaster Transition Times’, a newspaper distributed to over 20,000 homes in the area.  Over in Canada, TT Barrie has been supporting their local Ecofest Barrie and will host a Transition Oasis where people can relax, discover and celebrate healthy sustainable lifestyles with unplugged music, refreshments and reskilling classes.

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9 Apr 2010

Clonmel, a town in Transition – rough cut

Here’s a great short film from Ireland, a teaser produced as part of an ongoing documentary funded by Carnegie UK Trust. It is centered around a local Transition group based in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary who are committed to raising awareness and increasing resilience against the global challenges which face us all.

Clonmel: A Town in Transition – Rough Cut from MOEVO on Vimeo.

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