Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

14 Dec 2010

On being interviewed up a tree….

I do quite a lot of interviews, but nothing like the one I did with Henrik G. Dahle (see left).  He calls himself “a writer, artist, director of theatre and film, anxty environmentalist and social engineer”, and he is currently doing a project called UpTrees, where every day for a year he is climbing a different tree and interviewing someone.  He has climbed trees in 8 countries now, and talked to a fascinating diversity of people.  He came to Totnes, we went to Vire Island and climbed a tree and chatted for an hour.  It was all quite random (at one point my son and his new girlfriend walked by and, understandably, asked “Dad, what are you doing in that tree?”) and getting down again was much harder than getting up, but you might enjoy the transcript of our chat which is here.

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13 Dec 2010

13 Transition-related(ish) books you might like to snuggle up with this Christmas….

I haven’t done this for a while, so I thought it might be good to do a round up of some of the more influential and inspirational books that have passed across my bedside table over the last 6 months.  In terms of books you might choose to offer people over the next few weeks’ festive period, there is of course no beating the ever-expanding Transition Books series (still time to order before Christmas), but here is a collection of 13 titles to inform, inspire, fascinate, entertain and enlighten (also please note the Amazon-free nature of the links provided….).  Any books you’d like to recommend?

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Discussion: 9 Comments

Categories: Book Reviews

10 Dec 2010

‘ResilientCITY’: a trailer and an interview….

A while ago I was interviewed by Gregory Greene, director of ‘The End of Suburbia’, for his upcoming film ‘ResilientCITY’.  He just posted the film’s trailer (it is still in production) and also edited bits from the interview I did with him…. so, here’s the trailer….

… and the interview….

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8 Dec 2010

Building a New Local Economy Project – an invitation to participate

We (Transition Training and Consulting) are looking for up to 10 Transition Initiatives (based in the UK) that would like to participate in this project, helping us to shape it and deliver it. Deadline for showing your interest is 17th December.  The aim of this project is to help transition communities to grow social enterprises and influence existing local businesses such that they contribute to the wellbeing of that community, and society overall (including the most disadvantaged and marginalised), rather than pursuing economic growth at all costs.  We have used the term ‘business’ here but include, as appropriate, all types of private, public and third-sector organisations.

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8 Dec 2010

A Transition Take on the Big Society (seeking comments and input)

One of the actions from the day held by Transition Network in Bristol in September to reflect on the Big Society was to produce a document on what was raised there.  Peter Lipman and myself took on that task , and, based on the thoughts and ideas generated at the day, have produced the following, entitled “A Transition Take on the Big Society”.  We would love your thoughts and input… please use the comments box below…

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