Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

3 Sep 2007

The Sunday Papers Catch on to Transition stuff.

a3It was quite a week for Transition stuff in the sunday papers this week. There was a mention of Totnes Pounds in the Observer, another in a piece in the Sunday Times called Love Thy Neighbour, which was in the Style magazine, and opened with the observation that “community spirit is back in fashion”. The main appearance was a piece by John-Paul Flintoff called “Home grown apples can save the planet”. Unfortunately what appeared was a hugely pared-down version of his original piece, and he has kindly given Transition Culture permission to reproduce the article in full below.

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31 Aug 2007

Wishing Transition Town Totnes a Happy Birthday.

cakeNext Thursday is the first birthday party of Transition Town Totnes, and we are celebrating the occasion by having a birthday party. As part of this, various people who have spoken for TTT over the last year have been sending in their birthday greetings to be read out on the evening (I’ll post those here after the event). We thought it might be nice to just throw it open to the wider world too, and we’ll put up all the birthday greetings you send in on the wall and read some of them out on the night. So, if you would like to send TTT a birthday greeting, please post it as a comment below. Has the work done here inspired, enthused or uplifted you? Have you been inspired to start your own Transition Initiative? Please do send in your birthday greetings to a community in Transition!

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31 Aug 2007

Product Review: The Electrisave.

esA while ago I wrote a product review of my EcoKettle, for which I got quite a lot of flack from those who don’t think there is any such thing as an eco gadget. Actually I subsequently read in Chris Goodall’s excellent book How to Live a Low-Carbon Life a pretty thorough demolition of the EcoKettle, arguing that they will take 4 years to pay back and are not built to last anything like that long. So, anyway, we’ll move on from the EcoKettle to a gadget I recently bought which I think is rather wonderful, and which I would recommend to anyone, the Electrisave.

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30 Aug 2007

Duncan Law on Climate Change and Transition Initiatives.

You might be interested to see this great short film, called **Another End of the World is Possible** ( a curious and ultimately illogical statement, surely if there had been an original End of the World there wouldn’t still be a world for Another End to be possible in… if you get my drift…). Anyway, it was made as part of the promotion of the recent Climate Camp, and in it Duncan Law discusses climate change, peak oil and Transition initiatives, in particular the Transition Brixton project he is involved in. It is a rather nicely made and engaging film, and features Duncan sitting in what I assume is his back garden.

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30 Aug 2007

Transition Town Totnes’s First Birthday Party!

ppTo celebrate the first year since the Unleashing of Transition Town Totnes and all that has been achieved since, TTT is holding its First Birthday Party on September 6th at the Seven Stars Hotel. It will be an evening of Music, Comedy and Conversation, featuring, among other things, local poet legend Matt Harvey, the draw of the Amazing TTT Raffle, eco-celebrity birthday greetings (including a wonderful one from Alastair McIntosh), Bert Miller and the Animal Folk, competitions and films (a veritable multi-media pot pourri). The evening will conclude with Breton dance band Poisson Rouge and the opportunity to shake a leg or two.

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Categories: Self Congratulation, Transition Towns