Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

17 Oct 2007

The Single Most Depressing Thing I Have Ever Read.

bmRegular readers of **Transition Culture** will know that I try not to make a habit of presenting depressing or distressing information, but today I will make an exception. Yesterday morning I read Carbon Equity’s The Big Melt report which is basically a review of all the literature and studies looking at what happened to the Arctic ice this summer. It does not make for comfortable reading, and indeed it adds enormous urgency to to need to reduce emissions. It argues that to speak of 2 degrees being a safe threshold is nonsense, that we haven’t yet reached 1 degree, but already the Arctic ice is melting 100 years ahead of when the IPCC predicted it would.

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16 Oct 2007

Transition Culture Voted UK’s Fourth Best Green Blog!

100bestLast year **Transition Culture** was voted the 12th best green blog over at The Daily (Maybe), a fact of which we were hugely chuffed, referring often to being the “12th Best Green Blog”. This year we have leapt up the Top Twenty, to fourth! This year’s winner is Alice in Blogland, and it’s great to appear once again among such august company. The Daily Maybe is now holding its “People’s Choice Award 2007”, where you can vote for your favourite site, any votes for Transition Culture would be much appreciated! Thanks to Jim Jay for noting what’s happening here and for including us in the list.

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Categories: General, Self Congratulation

16 Oct 2007

Post-ASPO Tour of West Cork.

kinsaAfter ASPO, I had the great honour of embarking on a brief whistle-stop tour of West Cork with Jonathan Dawson of the Global Eco-Village Network, Davie Philip from the Cultivate Centre in Dublin and Albert Bates from The Farm Ecovillage in Tennessee. Although the first two I have known for many years, it was the first time I met Albert, despite having been often in communication via. email over the years. Albert gave one of the most inspirational talks I have ever heard, at the Eco Villages and Sustainable Communities conference at Findhorn in 1995. His talk about the history of The Farm inspired all my work in eco-village development, and the amazing ‘can-do’ attitude of the farm blew me away, so it was an honour to be speaking on the same bill as him.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: General

15 Oct 2007

Position Vacant: Transition Network Office Administrator.


We are delighted to be able to offer a full-time position as part of the **Transition Network**, to help support the organisation through its viral growth across the UK and beyond. Below is a short description of the post, for more information contact Ben Brangwyn (email address below).

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: General, Transition Towns

15 Oct 2007

First Oil Vulnerability Audits in Totnes Report Back.

fiIn talks I give and in other places, such as this website, I often enthuse about **Oil Vulnerability Auditing**, the tool developed by Simon Snowden at Liverpool University, but haven’t yet written much about it. I thought you might find it interesting to read the following short report by **Fiona Ward** of Transition Town Totnes who co-ordinated the OVA work in Totnes. Two pilots have so far been done, and in the report, Fiona reflects on the process and on what emerged from them.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Economics, Peak Oil, Transition Towns