Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

17 Apr 2009

An Update on Totnes Nut Tree Plantings

totnesnuts11Here is an excellent update on the nut tree plantings taking place in Totnes, those of you doing similar things in your communities might find this useful…. my thanks to Wendy for documenting this.


TTT started a nut tree planting scheme in Totnes in March 2007, with the planting of a few varieties of nut trees on Vire island. The vision behind this scheme is to provide another source of nutritious food for the community in the future.

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8 Apr 2009

Taking a Few Days Break

HU029912There will be no posts at Transition Culture for 7 days, as I am taking some much-needed time off for Easter holiday family time and for some sleep catch-up.  The last few weeks have been too hectic, if one could collect ‘train miles’ as one collects ‘air miles’, and if one could then trade them in for micro-renewables (now there’s an idea), I would have about half my roof covered with photovoltaics by now.  Plan to spend days on the beach with the kids, visit family, read David Holmgren’s new book Energy Futures,  listen to the great Go Team! CD I just picked up, plant out my peas and get some more muck in for the raised beds.  Normal (?!) service will be resumed here on Friday 17th April.

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Discussion: 9 Comments

Categories: General

8 Apr 2009

What Can Transition Initiatives Learn from Smallholders?


Rebecca Laughton, author of the newly published ‘Surviving and Thriving on the Land’ (Green Books), has written the following article exclusively for Transition Culture, about what lessons Transition initiatives might learn from the smallholding community.  It draws from the book, which is based on extensive research and interviews with people in a broad range of intentional communities and smallholdings.

Lessons from Low Impact Living on the Land, by Rebecca Laughton.

In order to feed ourselves in a post peak oil future, a much larger proportion of the population will need to live and work on the land. Such a prospect appeals to many, but are we prepared for the work involved in managing land with minimal reliance on fossil fuels?

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Discussion: 7 Comments

Categories: General

8 Apr 2009

This month’s round-up of stories from across the Transition Network

Transition Eudlo in Australian holding a 'permablitz'

Transition Eudlo in Australian holding a 'permablitz'

Here is the latest digest of Transition-related stories that I have picked up across the web over the last 4 weeks.  It offers an instructive and fascinating insight into where Transition has gone and what it is up to.  The diversity of projects is fascinating.  Apparently, Transition Town Exmouth’s “ranks have swelled to hundreds”, Transition Southport described as “environmentalists with a smile”, definitely a compliment in my book and Maple Ridge in Canada is considering ‘going Transition’.

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6 Apr 2009

Transition Italia Ask; How Might Transition Initiatives Support the Italian Earthquake?

italyqYou will no doubt have seen in the news the dreadful scenes from the earthquake in northern Italy, which killed over 150 people, and has left nearly 50,000 homeless.  I recieved the following email from Ellen Bermann at Transition Italia which I said I would post here.

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Discussion: 26 Comments

Categories: Community Involvement