Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

28 Sep 2009

Me, in Brixton, Discussing ‘Local Food’

Not much more to say about it really. Thanks to Positive TV and the Ecologist for making this available.

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Categories: Food

28 Sep 2009

Attack of the Killer Mutant Leek Moths

leekmoth3Last year I grew fantastic leeks that stood tall and proud in the garden through the winter months and underpinned many a meal.  This year I got them in good and early, and they were looking wonderful. This week though, something has gone horribly wrong. From being proud columns of dark green leeky goodness, they have begun to crumble before my very eyes. Starting somewhere around the middle, they are being turned into slimy ribbons, eventually being reduced to stumps. This is not good.  What ails my leeks?

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28 Sep 2009

Miliband to Unveil the ‘Low Carbon Communities Challenge’

lowcarbchallTransition Culture can reveal this morning that Ed Miliband will announce today, at the Labour Party conference, the ‘Low Carbon Communities Challenge’, a programme which may well be of considerable interest to some Transition initiatives out there.  You can download the introductory letter here, and the full information pack, including application forms, here.   The introductory letter explains the Challenge thus;

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25 Sep 2009

A Detailed Analysis of Somerset County Council’s Transition Resolution

somerset2Somerset County Council was the first UK local authority to pass a resolution in support of Transition Initiatives across Somerset in July last year.  The motion was pushed through by what was largely a LibDem council, since when, a few months ago, following a local election, the Council has gone largely Conservative.  Transition Training also ran a training day with Councillors.  So what has happened since?  Has the resolution been sidelined by the new administration?  How deeply does awareness of Transition run?  What role has Transition Somerset, a coalition of local initiatives, played?  Niamh McDonald, in her MSc dissertation at University College London has set out to answer those questions.

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24 Sep 2009

A Film About Transition Town Deventer, for all Dutch speakers out there

Here is a really well made film from Holland about Transition Town Deventer.  I can’t understand a word of it, but it looks great!  If you speak Dutch, I do hope you enjoy it….

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Categories: General, Transition Initiatives