Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

14 Jan 2010

A Short Film about what Transition Calgary are up to

Thought you might like this… only 3 minutes but a nice flavour of what Transition looks like in Calgary.

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Transition Initiatives

14 Jan 2010

An Update on ‘In Transition 1.0’

In Transition cover 2It has been just over a month since the DVD of ‘In Transition’ was launched and I thought it might be good to give an update.  The film was posted onto Vimeo, where it has been watched over 2,500 times, and around the same on YouTube.  It has also been shown on the Community Channel.  Sales of the 2 disc DVD set have been good, and the feedback on the film itself and also on all the extras has been excellent.  Transition groups can buy bulk copies of the DVD at very good discounts.  Being able to make ‘In Transition 2.0’ will depend, in part, on our being able to recoup the expenses of the first one, so do buy copies and tell people about the film!  Also, do let us know how you found the DVD and the extras, as well as stories about any screenings you might have done.  Here are a few of the testimonials we have been sent by people who have shown the film.  You can order copies of ‘In Transition’ here

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Transition Movie

11 Jan 2010

A Draft Guide for Holding Transition Hustings

hustings2A small group of us have spent the last few weeks working on what will become a booklet for Transition initiatives, which will help with the setting up of community grillings of our political candidates, allowing constituents to assess the degree of resilience thinking in their policies.  It could provide the basis for an event, co-run with a range of other similar local organisations.  It sets out how to do hustings, a guide to what resilience means, and also 10 Frequently Asked Questions that might arise.  We are now throwing the draft over to you for your thoughts and consideration.  We hope you find this useful, and look forward to your thoughts.

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11 Jan 2010

Matters Arising From The Great Freeze of 2010

snowBeen a fascinating few days here in the UK in terms of the weather.  It was only a few weeks ago everyone was talking longingly about whether there was going to be a white Christmas, sending each other cards with pictures of snowy scenes, putting batteries in their rocking/singing snowmen things, and spraying fake, out of a can snow in their windows.  It had been so long since we actually had a really actual snowy winter that thick snow has become the stuff of legend, banished to Doctor Who Christmas Specials and the top of Christmas cakes.  Then it snowed, and boy did it snow, and almost immediately all the headlines were of ‘misery’ and ‘chaos’.   One could forgive the snow for feeling somewhat unappreciated, like an old, much reminisced about old school friend, rediscovered through Facebook and invited to stay, who turns out to be hugely unpleasant.  I have to say though, in spite of cancelled engagements, burst pipes and a very cold house, I’ll rather miss it when it’s gone.

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Discussion: 16 Comments

Categories: General, Resilience

8 Jan 2010

Seeking New Trustees for Transition Network!

drectorsTransition Network is looking for new Trustees.  We are looking for people who want to help support the organisation and the growing movement, as well as represent the diversity of the movement.  The following text sets out how Transition Network functions, as well as the qualities we are looking for in new Trustees.  Do have a think in your initiatives if there is someone you would like to nominate, or if you feel you would like to stand in your own right.  For the right people, this is a great opportunity to become more actively involved in the future direction of the Network.

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Discussion: 9 Comments

Categories: Transition Network