Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

2 Apr 2010

2010 Transition Network Conference Venue and Dates Announced!!

Open Space at last year's conference in Battersea

Open Space at last year's conference in Battersea

As was previously announced, what had been the venue for this year’s Transition Network conference fell through at the last minute, and a valiant effort has been going on backstage to find a new venue.  I can now announce, therefore, that the 2010 Transition Network conference will be held at the beautiful Seale Hayne Agricultural College near Newton Abbott, here in the county of Devon.  Full details are now available here, and more information about costs and booking will follow shortly, as will, no doubt, requests for ideas, inputs, workshops and so on.  Any of you who have been to a Transition Network conference before don’t need to be told how lively, inspiring, connecting and energising they are, if you haven’t been to one yet, now’s the time to put it in your diary…  See you there!

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31 Mar 2010

Transition Training and Consulting: a day with Norfolk County Council

norf3**A Guest Post by Naresh Giangrande**

It was with some fear and trepidation that Alexis Rowell, a Camden Borough councillor and the author of the upcoming Transition Guide to Local Authorities (LA), and I arrived in a deeply conservative part of the country, Norfolk, to do a day with them on peak oil, climate change and the Transition town model and practice. For those that don’t know it, Norfolk is a stunningly beautiful part of the country which is partly comprised of two areas, the Norfolk Broads, a large inland waterway system and the Fens (see pics below) which is partly wild and very intensively farmed, it being one of the UKs most productive farmland. It is also largely at sea level therefore at the hard edge of climate change policy. As the Helen and Newton Harrison’s work, Green House Britain makes clear, a 5 metre rise in sea levels will mean a significant part of East Anglia would be under water.

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31 Mar 2010

Transition South East Gathering Film and Report

A few weeks ago now I mentioned the upcoming Transition South East conference, and showed you their wonderful poster.  By all accounts it was a quite wonderful day, you can read a write-up of the event here, and watch a fantastic film of the event (it’s so great when people do this) below.  We’re seeing more and more of these regional Transition events now, its a great thing to be happening.  Thanks to Ian Lawton of Act on CO2 for creating this record of the day.

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31 Mar 2010

Transition Byron Bay get up and running…

Here’s a short film about Transition Byron Bay in Australia’s first meeting.

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Transition Initiatives

31 Mar 2010

A Couple of Days in Dublin…

dub8Readers of my Twitterfeed thing will have been following the trials and tribulations, as well as the highlights, of my trip to Dublin.  Invited by Ashoka Ireland for their Social Entrepreneurship Forum and Awards, it was also an opportunity to catch up with the Transition Ireland folks and to have an incredibly packed day full of meetings which, in spite of ever-present toothache, was very exciting and useful. 

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, General, Localisation