Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

25 Jun 2010

An Inside View on the 2010 Transition Network conference, by Sophy Banks

Many of those who attended the recent Transition Network conference remarked on how well facilitated the event was, and on the group process run on the Sunday.  Although the event was designed to feel as self-organised as possible, there was a great deal of intentional design behind the event, much of which was the work of Sophy Banks (see left).  In the following piece, Sophy explains the thinking behind how the event was facilitated, and offers tips for those wanting to organise similar events.

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24 Jun 2010

Transition Network Issues Its First Ever Press Release

Amazing to think, but until last week, Transition Network has never actually produced even one single press release.  Such has been the level of media interest, that we had never proactively sought media coverage.  That all changed last week, when we produced our first press release in response to the Lloyds/Chatham House report about peak oil and climate change …  Thanks to Sasha for creating this, who knows, now we’ve got a feel for it, we might start banging them out every week!  Here’s the press release in full….

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Discussion: 9 Comments

Categories: General

23 Jun 2010

Another Invasion of Our Mental Environment….

Been a while since I had a rant here on Transition Culture, but with just over two hours to go until England probably get knocked out of the World Cup, which will no doubt inspire another, here is a heart-felt rail against a hideous new phenomenon.  I wrote a while ago about the proposed London ‘Cloud’, a pollution of our mental environment on a dreadful scale in London (haven’t heard anything as to whether this is getting the go-ahead or not).  Well yesterday I came across another such mental pollution, on a smaller scale, but equally dreadful.  I boarded the 4.57 from Plymouth to Totnes yesterday, and found myself in one of First Great Western’s shiny new carriages.  To my horror, on the back of every seat, at eye level, was a colour television, each silently running through trailers for sports, documentaries, kids programmes and so on that you can now watch (at a cost) on your train journey.

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Discussion: 54 Comments

Categories: Technology

22 Jun 2010

Final Film from Transition Network Conference 2010 – Reflections on Stoneleigh’s Talk

This last short film from the conference features Peter and myself responding to a question from Miguel Leal from Paredes em Transição, a Transition initiative in Portugal, about Stoneleigh’s talk.  Thanks to Sara and Emilio from nu-project for making all these great films, a fitting record to a great event…

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19 Jun 2010

An Interview with Transition Brazil from the 2010 Transition Network Conference

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