Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

19 Mar 2009

Welcoming Home the Wandering Trainers

Regular readers will have been following Sophy and Naresh’s ‘Transition Training on Tour’ blog posts (more of which will be here soon).  They got back to Totnes a couple of days ago, tired but elated, and to celebrate, here is a film of a talk they gave in New Zealand as part of their travels.

Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five

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Categories: General

18 Mar 2009

Transition in French

If you like Transition, but you speak French, the web has been a fairly unrewarding place until now.  Now ‘Villes et Communautes en Transition’ has arrived, the portal for the French speaking world into the bright and wonderful world of Transition.

Of course, if you are actually French, the above is not too useful.  So according to Babelfish (what an amazing thing!), what I just said, in French, was “Si vous aimez la transition, mais vous parlez français, le Web a été un endroit assez infructueux jusqu’ici. Maintenant ‘ ; En Transition’ de Villes et de Communaudes ; est arrivé, le portail pour le monde de langue française au monde lumineux et brillant de la transition”.

Or something.

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Transition Initiatives

17 Mar 2009

A Wealth of Transition Audio

We’ve got three fine pieces of Transition audio for your listening pleasure today. Firstly there is the new Transition podcast, produced by Carl Munson.  If you are going to the 2009 Transition Network conference, you’ll meet Carl, as he will be doing a live podcast of the whole event.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: General

16 Mar 2009

The Age of Stupid Premiere at the Eden Project

Spent the weekend in Cornwall for the People’s Premiere of The Age of Stupid.  The film got into the Guinness Book of Records for being the largest simultaneous premiere in the history of films, being premiered in 65 places (of which Eden was one), connected together by a webcast.  At Eden, a sell-out audience drawn from across Cornwall and Devon saw, on the screen, the celebs and others arriving for the greenest film launch in history, with emissions just 1% of the normal Hollywood premiere.  Then, we saw the film.

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Discussion: 29 Comments

Categories: General

16 Mar 2009

Transition Movie Blog 6, and why we need your help naming the film!

It’s been a steep learning curve for Emma on the edit of the movie. Chris Watson has stepped back to work on another project that has come in leaving Emma to edit on her own. She’s never sat in the editor’s chair before and after being shown a few key buttons has started to put it together.  “By the end of the day my brain is totally fried. I imagine it’s like playing a computer game all day long!” she saiys. It’s one thing to sit back and guide the whole process alongside an editor but it’s quite another to navigate a 7 track timeline and know all the shortcuts keys.

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Discussion: 25 Comments

Categories: General, Transition Movie