Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

28 Apr 2009

Odd Sight off Devon Coast is Sign of the Times

Well you try taking a photo of tankers out at sea on your mobile phone from a moving train at dusk...

Well, you try taking a photo of tankers out at sea on your mobile phone from a moving train at dusk...

I travelled on the train the other day from Exeter back to Totnes, and one of the greatest pleasures about that trip is the stretch of track between Exeter and Newton Abbott, when it goes along the coast near Teignmouth. Many people travelling from London to the South West remark on that stretch of the trip and their first sight of the sea. Now however, that vision is augmented by the unusual sight of 10 oil tankers, moored together just off the coast.

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Discussion: 7 Comments

Categories: Economics, Energy

27 Apr 2009

Situation Vacant at Transition Penwith

penwithIt is not every day that paid jobs in Transition turn up, but today is one of those days.  Transition Penwith is looking for a Project Officer, with the closing date for applications being 11th May 2009.  Full details below:

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Discussion: Comments Off on Situation Vacant at Transition Penwith

Categories: Transition Initiatives

27 Apr 2009

An Economics Addition to ‘The Transition Handbook’

dutchhbkThe Dutch edition of the Transition Handbook has now been published, you can download pdfs of the chapters here.  The story of how it was translated is great, 50 people across the region who wanted a Dutch version came together and collaboratively translated it.  At the last minute, they wondered if it might be possible to include a short new section about economics, so as to make it more up to date.  With the considerable help of Peter Lipman, Jules Peck, Ciaran Mundy and Steph Bradley, here it is.  Feel free to print it out and stick it in page 36 of your Transition Handbook

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24 Apr 2009

A Transition Training Day with Somerset County Council

somerset2It is a few months now since Somerset County Council (SCC) passed unanimously their resolution to become a Transition Local Authority. You can read more about that, and the resolution itself here. Since then, the Somerset resolution has inspired Leicestershire County Council to do the same, and interest is growing from other authorities. Cllr Philip Booth in Stroud recently wrote a very good summary of all that is happening with local government and Transition across the country. It was therefore a fascinating and potentially far-reaching day on Friday 3rd April when a day was held in Taunton to explore what this might actually mean.

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Discussion: 10 Comments

Categories: General

23 Apr 2009

The Beautiful Absurdity of ‘Flights for Lights’

flights-for-lightsHere is a wonderful story, sent to me by my friend Peter, offering a kind of Transition Tale in reverse. Transition Tales, as readers of ‘The Transition Handbook’ will be aware, are stories from a powered down future set out in such a way as to help them to imagine what a successfully powered-down world might be like. The opposite of a Transition Tale would be a story from the present, so stupid and mind-bending, yet with its own internal logic, that somehow neatly sums up the blockages to our ever reaching that world. Tesco’s recent ‘Flights for Lights’ promotion is such a story.

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Discussion: 20 Comments

Categories: General