Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

15 Jun 2010

Day Two of the Transition Network Conference 2010

Here is Sara and Emilio of nu-project’s film of Day 2 of the Transition Network conference.

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15 Jun 2010

Reflections on the 2010 Transition Network conference

The Transition Network conference 2010, held at Seale Hayne Agricultural College, was an extraordinary few days.  It is a mark of how far come the organisation and the concept has come in its 4 year life that it can bring 300 people together for such a deep, challenging and nourishing 3 days.  I left feeling deeply honoured to be part of such a dynamic movement, and also of the team that organised the event, an incredible bunch of people.  I’m not going to write a blow-by-blow account of the event, partly because the event has already been ably blogged about over at the Transition Network site, and also at Transition Radio site, but also because I didn’t get to that much of the workshops and Open Space sessions, due to dashing here and there and doing interviews, chatting to people, and other things including, occasionally, just lying in the sunshine!  However, I did want to mention a few of my own highlights of the event. 

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14 Jun 2010

Day One of the Transition Network Conference 2010

Here is the first film that Sara and Emilio at nu-project have made of the Transition Network conference at Seale Hayne… more to follow….

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14 Jun 2010

My Conference – Shaun Chamberlin on Stoneleigh’s peak oil/finance talk

Goodbye cruel world

So here I am. I fully intended to be giving the England match my full attention right now, but I’ve been left distinctly restive by this afternoon’s long session by Stoneleigh of The Automatic Earth, and feel the need to put some thoughts down.

Including the extensive Q&A session her talk lasted virtually three hours and covered a lot of ground, starting from a good runthrough of the ‘peak energy’ situation, but quickly focusing in on finance, as she believes that this is the factor that will most dramatically shape our immediate future. Notably, the talk attracted almost half the attendees of the Transition Conference, despite the numerous other Open Space sessions taking place at the same time.

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13 Jun 2010

Transition Network conference, some thoughts from Saturday….

Naresh Giangrande explaining Open Space

(The formatting below has all gone a little odd here, but I am running for a conference team meeting now, so it will have to do… apologies!) Such is the frenzy of activity on Twitter, on Flickr and on the Transition Network website’s dedicated blog spot, that there is probably not that I can add other than a few of my own reflections.  You can hear some great audio stuff over at Transition Radio, including the opening sessions, some of the workshops and some excellent interviews, and the people from nu-film are making a film a day, the film about today should be up first thing in the morning.  Been an amazing day, like these things usually are it’s a bit of a whirl, but the buzz and the hubbub are tangible, the sun is shining, and people seem to be having a really dynamic and engaging time.

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