Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

2 Aug 2011

‘In Transition 2.0’: update and appeal for crowdfunding…

It takes a community to make a community film.  The In Transition 2.0 production team announces its first ever crowd funding campaign!  Help us raise funds to pay film makers around the world to tell stories showing what Transition looks like in Brazil, Portugal, US, Canada, New Zealand and Japan.

Donate whatever you like and get your name in the credits of the film.  Tell us which country you’d like to put your money towards when you click on the link:


Thanks so much.  Contact emmagoude (at)

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Discussion: 8 Comments

Categories: 'In Transition' 2.0.

27 Jul 2011

A July Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Let’s start with Transition Town Kingston in Surrey who ventured out  on bikes and skateboards to celebrate a Zero Carbon day which included a fossil- fuel free time trial. Here is their report of the event, here’s a report from the local paper, and here’s a video about what they got up to:

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25 Jul 2011

‘Totnes: what the past can teach us about the future’: a new film

I have had the great pleasure over the past few months to work with Susana Martinez and Emilio Mula to create a new short film about oral history and Transition.  It emerged from the oral histories we did in preparing the Totnes EDAP, interviewing some of those people in more depth.  The resultant film, premiered on Thursday night in Totnes, is one I very much hope you enjoy.

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22 Jul 2011

What Transition Houston are up to

Let’s end the week with a short film.  Here’s a great film about Transition Houston in the US… have a good weekend…

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22 Jul 2011

Seeking your stories about how your Transition group stops to reflect

A Fishbowl conversation at the 2011 Transition Network conference, Liverpool.

The ingredients in the forthcoming ‘The Transition Companion’ are nearly done, but a few have spaces we need to fill, such as this one called ‘How are we doing?’ and I’d love to add your stories to it.  It looks at the value of initiatives stopping to evaluate what they are doing, reflecting honestly before adjusting what they are doing and continuing.  They might use Open Space, World Cafe, Appreciative Inquity, Fishbowl, or any range of other things.  I’d love to hear your stories, in no more than 300 -350 words. about your Transition initiative’s experience of doing that.  How many people came?  What did you do?  What did you learn from it?  You could either post below or email me at rob (at)  To get your thoughts flowing thus far, here is the main text for that ingredient.  Thanks!

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Categories: Community Involvement, Culture, Diversity, Education for Sustainability, Resilience, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent, Transition Initiatives