Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

19 Sep 2011

The Story of Transition in 10 Objects No.2: Bertie and Gertie

Here is the second in the ‘Story of Transition in 10 Objects’ films, which tell some of the stories from the forthcoming ‘The Transition Companion‘.  It tells the story of Bertie and Gertie from Tooting.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Diversity, Education for Sustainability, Storytelling, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent, The Transition Companion, Transition Initiatives

16 Sep 2011

The Brixton Pound goes electric!

Here’s a very exciting development from Brixton, soon to also roll out in Bristol, which could signal a revolutionary leap-forward in terms of Transition currencies.

Come and celebrate the launch of the UK’s first local electronic currency and unveiling of the new B£ 2nd edition notes at the Brixton Pound’s 2nd Birthday:

Thursday 29th September 2011 @ The Electric (formerly The Fridge), Town Hall Parade, Brixton. 7pm – till late.

To register for your free ticket to the B£ 2nd Birthday please go to:

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Local Currencies, Storytelling

15 Sep 2011

Exploring the Ingredients for Transition: webcast now available

On Monday I did the second webinar for Transition US, looking at the ‘ingredients’ of Transition, and answering lots of questions about Transition sent in by people from across the US.  You can now listen to it in full here.  I started out by telling people that it was, in a way, an illustrated talk, in that I had uploaded a picture online they could look at, taken from the forthcoming ‘The Transition Companion’ (which you can pre-order now).  Beautifully created by Marina Vons-Gupta, it communicates the idea of embarking on Transition being like opening the larder door and picking the ingredients for creating what you have decided to create.  Anyway, thanks to everyone who made it possible, and enjoy the recording.

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14 Sep 2011

Bringing the cover of The Transition Handbook to life

We have reported here before about the spread of Transition in France, well here is something rather great from Fontainbleu near Paris where a Transition initiative is emerging.  Judging by the amount of requests we get to use the drawing on the front cover of the Transition Handbook for posters, flyers, websites and so on, it’s fair to say people are rather fond of it.  But have a look at this rather lovely animation the Fontainbleu group have done with it. Aw, isn’t that lovely…

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13 Sep 2011

A Story of Transition in 10 Objects: Number 1. A stripey jumper.

Recently, the BBC did a great series called ‘A History of the World in 100 Objects’, which used objects from the British Museum’s collection to highlight key stages in human history.  As a way of capturing some of the stories contained in ‘The Transition Companion’ (available to pre-order now), we have made 10 short films that try to capture “A Story of Transition in 10 Objects” (you can see the various dates associated with the book’s release here).   They present various items from different Transition initiatives as though they were precious museum artifacts, and tell their stories.  Here’s the first.

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