Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

6 Apr 2006

Leading the Way – a half-day conference at Dartington.

turbineThe Totnes Sustainability Group is holding a half-day conference in May to launch a study it commissioned which looks at all the renewable energy options for South Devon and for the town of Totnes. It compiles a wealth of information that will be extremely useful to the Totnes Energy Descent Plan. Its findings are similar to those of Paul Mobbs in ‘Energy Beyond Oil’, who says that renewables, at max, could provide 40% of the nation’s energy, the rest needing to come from conservation. The figure the report produces for South Devon is closer to 30%. I will put the report itself on here when it is completed. The conference is by invite only, details below. I am one of the speakers, attempting to give an overview of peak oil and energy descent in 15 minutes!

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Categories: Climate Change, General, Technology

6 Apr 2006

Loose Change 2

lc2I want to draw your attention to a new film release that you really should see. **Loose Change 2nd Edition** was recently released, an updated and much improved version of the film about the events of 911 which originally came out last year. The film explores what critics might call a ‘conspiracy theory’ version of the events of 911, however the film makers take on and challenge this label. *”Conspiracy theory?”* they argue on the back of the DVD, *”it’s not a theory if you can prove it”*, and for my money they do a much better job of ‘proving it’ than the official version does.

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Categories: Peak Oil, Politics

5 Apr 2006

Inquiring Mind

IMA copy of the latest edition of “Inquiring Mind” somehow arrived in my hands the other day, and a fine publication it is too. The subject of the Fall 2005 edition, Volume 22 No. 1, is Earth Dharma, and it pulls together many of the leading writers and thinkers exploring the interface between environmental thinking and Buddhism. Contributors include Joanna Macy, Gary Snyder, Paul Hawken and Helena Norberg-Hodge.

I was particularly touched by

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Discussion: Comments Off on Inquiring Mind

Categories: The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

4 Apr 2006

Ireland’s ‘Hirsch Report’ Released

forfasForfas, Ireland’s national policy advisory board for enterprise, trade, science, technology and innovation today releases its long-awaited study on the potential impacts of peak oil on the Irish economy A Baseline Assessment of Ireland’s Oil Dependence – key policy considerations. Forfas operates under the auspices of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. Robert Hirsch collaborated on the study, so how adequately does it address the challenges that Ireland will face?

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Economics, Peak Oil

4 Apr 2006

Another Indicator that the Peak is Near…

rigYesterday’s Independent’s Business section contained an article by Simon English called Opec ‘doing all it can’ for oil prices which offered another insight into the fact that the peak is very near. It is an interesting feature of peak oil that many of the most interesting articles and insights on the subject are to be found in the business sections of the newspapers. Certainly the business section was always the part of the paper that I avoided like the plague, a sort of seedy and barely comprehensible world that really I’d rather not know anything about. Now it is one of the first places I look for

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil