Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

14 Apr 2006

And the Winner Is…..

ChampagneThe relaunched competition was a success, and many thanks to all those who participated (there were loads actually). It was very interesting to hear all your kind comments about the site, and your top 3 postings from **TransitionCulture** since it began, and so here, painstakingly compiled from your entries, backed by Top of the Pops style chart rundown music is your (well the people who entered anyway’s) Top Three!!!

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Categories: General

12 Apr 2006

A Short Break and a Talk in Kinsale.

kp**UPDATE – This talk is now on again, I am going over just for the talk on my way to Dublin**.
This morning’s post will be the last until **April 24th**, (apart from Friday’s announcement of the winner of the cob book competition), as I am going to Ireland for a family Easter break, and to catch up with friends. As part of the trip, I will be giving a lecture in Kinsale (see below) on the evening of Tuesday 18th at 8pm. The talk will be about peak oil and energy descent planning, as well as about how the Kinsale Action Plan came about. I’ll also be

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Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil

11 Apr 2006

Termite Gut Enzyme Powered Cars? – don’t hold your breath…

BugCarIt is a point often made by ‘peakniks’ that the energy choices that we will have beyond the peak are all already here, that we don’t have the time to wait for what Richard Heinberg calls ‘The Magic Elixir’. There is no point in waiting around for free energy machines, a hydrogen economy, nuclear powered cars, whatever, life will be simpler and power will come from things we already know work. Yet every day there is a new story about some ‘miracle’ development, or some amazing new ‘breakthrough’, which naturally you never hear anything about again. Rather than actually researching anything useful, scientists are looking with increasing desparation into increasingly unfeasible and ludicrous things to try and convince us that the solution to the energy crisis will come from science and that they are on the case.

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: General

10 Apr 2006

OOH It makes me so CROSS (seethe, seethe)

EnaListening to Friday’s Any Answers programme from Norfolk while I did the evening washing up, I was incensed, nay, incandescent, to hear the reaction of some of the audience to a question about wind turbines. The school that was hosting the programme had apparently applied to put a wind turbine on its roof. When one of the panellists said that they thought that having a wind turbine on a school was good for the environment, and also good for the children to see their school walking its talk, he was booed! Booed!

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Politics

7 Apr 2006

Right, let’s try that competition thing again…

win!!A month or so ago I launched a competition where you could win a copy of the wonderful ‘Building with Cob’, the new bible for cob builders everywhere. The idea was that you send me a photo of your favourite old building… the response has been somewhat underwhelming, total entries received thus far, er, 0. So, not one to be put off, and wanting some lucky soul to get their hands on this fabulous book, I am henceforth cancelling that competition and launching a far simpler version, which will only take you about 20 seconds to enter and will run only until next Friday, so come on, as they say, **It Could Be You!**

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Discussion: Comments Off on Right, let’s try that competition thing again…

Categories: General, Natural Building