Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

16 May 2006

A Busy and Productive Week in Kinsale…

**Brian Weller from Willits, California, visits Kinsale. A Report by Graham Strouts**

seminarThe process of relocalization was the focus of a visit to Kinsale on May 5th-6th by Brian Weller of Willits Economic LocaLization (W.E.L.L.) in northern California. About 50 people came to the Anchor Hotel in Kinsale on the Friday night to hear Brian speak, and 30 people from communities around Kinsale, Cork County and beyond attended the seminar the following day.

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12 May 2006

Just to Lower the Tone Slightly…

windfarmAfter the last couple of days’ highbrow think-fest with Fritjof and Stephan, I felt it necessary to lower the tone considerably by posting this, which Tom at MinkToast recently posted, and which still has me in stitches ever since (click on it to enlarge). It’s the lightbulb on his shoulder that finishes me off. It is from the UK ‘comic’ Viz, and is one of their spoof adverts it often contains. I don’t have anything else intelligent to contribute here, so enjoy this. I’m off to CAT in Wales for the weekend to do their Community Renewable Energy Schemes course. See you next week!

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11 May 2006

Notes From the Book Launch for Stephan Harding’s New Book ‘Animate Earth’, plus your chance to win a copy of the book!!

aeLast week in Totnes Stephan Harding gave a talk to launch his new book ‘Animate Earth – Science, Intuition and Gaia’ at the Civic Hall in Totnes. What follows is both a record from my notes of his talk, followed by another great **Transition Culture** competition giving you the opportunity to win a copy of the book. The introduction was by Fritjof Capra (which I missed, arriving late…oops…). Stephan co-ordinates the MSc in Holistic Science at Schumacher College, where he is also Resident Ecologist and is a widely respected authority on the Gaia theory and on the new understandings of science arising from systems theory.

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10 May 2006

Exclusive to Transition Culture. Fritjof Capra on Peak Oil – an Interview.

fritjof*I’ve had lots of very positive feedback about yesterday’s interview, so here is the second part, done a couple of days later and asking him the seven questions developed for the Skilling Up for Powerdown course currently being developed at the Cultivate Centre in Dublin. We are trying to ask as many people within the sustainability/peak oil/relocalisation movement these questions on camera, to be edited together as part of the multimedia course.*

**Interview with Fritjof Capra. Schumacher College.Thursday, 4th May 2006**

**Do you see peak oil as a crisis or an opportunity?**

Well I think obviously it’s a crisis. But every crisis contains in itself an opportunity.

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9 May 2006

Exclusive to Transition Culture. Fritjof Capra on Relocalisation – an Interview.

fritjof and me**Fritjof Capra** is one of the foremost green thinkers, especially in the field of ecology and systems thinking. He is the author of many seminal books, such as the Tao of Physics, The Web of Life, The Turning Point and most recently, The Hidden Connections. He is currently teaching at Schumacher College and I was lucky enough to be able to grab him for two interviews, one about relocalisation initiatives (in particular the Transition Town Totnes project due to start this September), and one about peak oil. Unfortunately one of my kids put a chair leg through my mp3 player so I was unable to record the first one, instead taking copious notes, so any mistakes herein are entirely down to my poor note taking. The second (which I’ll post tomorrow) was filmed, so the transcript is taken directly from that.

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