Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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19 May 2006

‘Animate Earth’ competition winner!

b2The winner of the ‘Animate Earth’ competition is **Andy Wimbush** from Oxford, who correctly guessed that James Lovelock was in fact the inventor (almost by accident if I remember the story correctly) of the microwave oven. Only one person guessed it wrong, although much to my disappointment they didn’t think that he had invented the nodding dog or had a hand in unleashing Barney the Dinosaur on humanity. Well done Andy, and thanks to everyone else who entered.

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Categories: General

19 May 2006

Community Renewables Course at CAT.

signI spent last weekend at the Centre for Alternative Technology in North Wales doing a course called “Community Renewable Energy Schemes

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18 May 2006

Leading the Way Conference and the launch of the D.A.R.E. Report (downloadable here…)

Richard PymLast week at the Great Hall at Dartington saw a conference called **’Leading the Way – the Potential for Renewable Energy in the South Hams’** which launched a new report by the Devon Association for Renewable Energy. The report looks at all the renewable energy options for Totnes and the wider South Hams area, and assesses their feasibility and how much energy each option could provide. Its conclusion is that if all renewable energy options for the area were harnessed to the maximum they could generate between 30 and 40% of current demand, identifying conservation as the essential first step.

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Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil, Technology

17 May 2006

It’s Official – UK Government Acknowledges Peak Oil.

blairWell not in so many words, but I think that historically when we look back for the day that peak oil was reached for the UK, it will be 16th May 2006. Tony Blair’s speech to the CBI was a carefully stage managed trailer of the supposedly independent energy review process that has been going on for many months, and came out in favour of nuclear (hardly a surprise). The UK Government, despite being in deep denial of the subject publically, as was illustrated in Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks’ letter to PowerSwitch, have of course been clearly aware of the matter for years. Indeed Tony Blair’s speech to the CBI could have been re-titled “PM acknowledges peak oil” and would have read exactly the same. Try it.

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Categories: General

16 May 2006

Reading the Signs…

beesI just got back from Machynlleth yesterday after a great Community Renewables course. I will be posting about the course tomorrow, just as soon as I have worked out how to post powerpoint files onto Word Press. In the meantime here are two great signs I saw on my visit to Machynlleth. The first

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Categories: General