Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

30 Jun 2006

Making Elderflower Cordial While the Sun Shines….

elder2As per the annual family tradition, we started making this year’s elderflower cordial when most of the elderflowers were past their best. It is lovely to reconnect to these gorgeous creamy flowers and the unique smell of sun drenched elderflowers. I have just been picking off the flowers and my fingers are a lovely greeny yellow colour from the pollen. Here is

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Discussion: 7 Comments

Categories: Food

29 Jun 2006

Meg Wheatley – The Power of Chaos – reconstructed from my cack-handed notes…

meg**Meg Wheatley** spoke at Dartington’s Barn Cinema on Wednesday 14th June as part of Dartington Arts’ Arts and Ecology Lecture series. I attempted to take notes as best I could but she spoke quite fast and so these notes are intended to provide just an overview of what she covered. Any mistakes here are entirely my fault. If you would like to watch the film of the talk you can download it

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28 Jun 2006

A Fool’s Legacy.

wasteAs part of preparing for last night’s talk I gave for Totnes Greenpeace, I was reading about nuclear waste storage, and something struck me very forcibly. We are looking at a waste heap of highly radioactive waste in the world at this point, generated by the world’s 440 reactors, of around 150,000 tons. That’s 150,000 tons of waste that needs constant monitoring and cooling and a lot of hi tech supervision.

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: General

27 Jun 2006

Away for the Day….

MIA brief post this morning as I am off to Bristol today for a meeting with Dr Chris Johnstone and Dr. Stephen Rollnick. We are meeting to have a half-day dialogue about how insights from addiction treatment and in particular the approach known as Motivational Interviewing might inform energy descent approaches. For a taste of what we might be talking about, have a look at the thread on Stephen’s website which has been running for a month or so now, and which raises some interesting points. Click on ‘discussion’, you need to register, but then you are looking for the thread called “MI use in community responses to Peak Oil?” At some point our dialogue will be transcribed and posted here….

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Discussion: Comments Off on Away for the Day….

Categories: Peak Oil, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

26 Jun 2006

Muck Glorious Muck…

pooAccess to manure is an important part of maintaining soil fertility in an organic system, the problem can often be tracking down where to get it from. Humanure composting is not an option for everyone (or rather is *perceived* as not being an option), so manure it is. Before I get howls of derision from vegan gardeners out there arguing that there are ways of coping without it, I am aware of that, but for me, you can’t beat a nice bit of muck. Anyway, the question then arises as to where to get it from.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Compost Toilets, Food, Waste/Recycling