Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

24 Jul 2006

Seeds of Hope … spied from a train carriage window…

all1The journey to and from ASPO5 on the train went well, despite a few just-made connections, a few missed ones, and a trip through London on a day when it touched 37 degrees, hotter than it was in Pisa! Travelling on the night train from Paris to Florence was a pleasure, I slept well and met some lovely people (hi Elizabeth and to Piero…), which probably wouldn’t have happened on the plane. ASPO was great, I’ll write more about that soon (I am supposed to be on a summer break, but I just wanted to let you know I had made it home in one piece), but was also quite depressing in places, and as I headed home, I drew a lot of hope for the future from the amount of gardens I saw from the train window in all the countries I passed through.

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Food, Peak Oil, Permaculture

14 Jul 2006

Introducing My Friend in Seat 61, and announcing Transition Culture’s summer break.

euroI’m off to Pisa next week for the ASPO conference. It has been funny how many people have said “the ASBO conference?”, imagining I am off to spend a weekend with lots of teenage reprobates in hoodies hanging around threateningly in a shopping centre in Pisa. This means that there will be no new posts here for the next while, as I am getting back from that and am then away again, so postings over the next 3 weeks or so will be sporadic. I’ll be back with you in full-time blogging mode by **August 14th**, so see you then. Anyway, I determined that I was not going to fly to a peak oil conference, I just couldn’t do it, so I am going by train. In my preparing to do so I have to draw your attention to the great Man in Seat 61.

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Peak Oil, Transport

13 Jul 2006

Al Gore on Peak Oil.

alNo I didn’t get to interview him myself, Henning Drager from the Centre for Human Ecology in Edinburgh went to see Gore speaking on June 21st at the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) in London and got to ask him a couple of questions. Gore’s talk was called “Earth in the Balance Sheet” and was attended by over 500 people. While not profoundly illuminating, his answers are still insightful, and show at least that he is conversant with peak oil and sees it as being as important as climate change

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Peak Oil, Politics

12 Jul 2006

Cob Building Masterclass in West Cork – don’t miss it…

hshMy name is Rob and I’m addicted to cob building. My passion for cob is barely disguised, and has been a powerful force in my life in recent years. Once I got the bug I was hooked. The feeling of monolithic curved cob walls is something that no other material can provide, and it is such a gorgeous material to work with. To begin with I taught myself from books, from tips on websites, and by asking anyone I knew who had ever worked with it. Although I read many books in subsequent years, and worked with many cobbers, still the one who most fired my imagination with cob’s possibilities, and the life changing potential of natural building, is Ianto Evans of Cob Cottage Company,

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12 Jul 2006

Steve Bell on the new Energy Review.

bell Spot on as ever, Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell has offered his warped take on the Government’s re-affirmation of a role of the nuclear industry. One of the greatest cartoonists of modern times, his cartoons of Norman Tebbitt in the 1980s mean that still, seeing the real Norman Tebbitt sends shivers up my spine.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Steve Bell on the new Energy Review.

Categories: Energy, Politics