Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

30 Jan 2007

One Planet Agriculture – the Case for Action. Download the Booklet here.

opFor the Soil Association conference, I co-edited a booklet which set out in a concise way the case for peak oil, its implications for farming, and possible directions beyond the peak. Entitled One Planet Agriculture – the Case for Action , it was given out at the conference, and is a pre-cursor to a longer report called **’One Planet Agriculture: Handbook for Practical Action’** which will be out in a month or so. You can download the booklet as a pdf here, I think it turned out really well, and is a very concise introduction to the subject.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Food, Localisation, Peak Oil

29 Jan 2007

Soil Association Conference Podcasts Available.

poster**One Planet Agriculture**, the Soil Association’s conference exploring peak oil and the relocalisation of food and farming was an extraordinary success. Their most popular conference to date, it could have been sold out at least twice over. During its 2 days and one evening, it was immersed in the reality of peak oil and in the exploration of what practically might be done to prepare for it. Most of the presentations were kept to the first morning,

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: General

29 Jan 2007

Peak Oil and Transition Town Totnes on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Farming Today’.

r4BBC Radio 4’s **Farming Today** on Saturday explored some of the issues raised by the Soil Association conference in Cardiff. In an excellent programme, it looked at the role of supermarkets in a post-peak society and whether, indeed, they will actually have one. It included interviews with Green MEP Caroline Lucas and a walk around Totnes with **Transition Culture**’s own Rob Hopkins. It will be featured on the Listen Again section of the “R4”) section of the Radio 4 website until late Friday. Look for the link to ‘Farming Today This Week’.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Peak Oil and Transition Town Totnes on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Farming Today’.

Categories: Food, Localisation, Peak Oil

25 Jan 2007

Study Permaculture in West Cork This Summer.

wcpcWest Cork in Ireland is a hotbed of permaculture projects, natural buildings and people who have spent years developing pieces of land in experimental ways. This summer a 10 day intensive permaculture course will offer an immersion in both permaculture design principles and approaches and also in the numerous projects in the area that have employed them. The course even has its own website where you can find out more about it. Permaculture principes are the most powerful tools you can have for the design of a post-peak future for yourself and your community. The course comes highly recommended…

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24 Jan 2007

Jonathan Porritt on Peak Oil and Food Production.

porritt Today’s Guardian featured an excellent piece by Jonathan Porritt on food and farming and the implications of peak oil on both. It picks up on many of the issues that will be explored at the Soil Association conference beginning tomorrow. I was particularly taken with his call for productive land to be put at the centre of planning for the future, and that it should be in what he calls ‘good nick’, as well as for his call for sufficient well-trained farmers, a theme Richard Heinberg will pick up at the conference. The article appears below;

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: General