Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

26 May 2009

Rob’s Second Transition Network 2009 Conference Post

bac5Well.  I’m home now, after the exhilarating, exhausting, bedazzling and wondrous 3 days that has been the 2009 Transition Network conference at the Battersea Arts Centre (BAC).  What a great three days it has been.  The amazing organising team, Jo, Steph and Sim (see left), Kristen and Asha, as well as the wonderful BAC team, made the event a smooth-running success, with the various events fitting together beautifully, and with amazing food.  Others have been blogging giving their thoughts on the event, so I am just going to add a few thoughts and observations of my own.

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25 May 2009

The Wonderful World of David Fleming

flemingbac1At the Transition Network conference, I was unable to resist going to David Fleming’s workshop, “Wild Economics: Wolves, Resilience and Spirit”.  I am an enormous admirer of the great man, who was the first person to explain the concept of resilience to me, and to whom I owe a great debt in terms of ideas and inspiration.  His talk was fascinating, but the notes I present here aren’t notes of the actual talk.  There will be notes from most of the sessions published soon, although huge sympathies must be extended to the poor lady in front of me who was scribing the talk, which, in spite of regular requests to slow down a bit, was delivered at breathtaking speed.  Safe in the knowledge that noting down the actual contents was in safe hands, I focused on the bits that were pure Fleming funny bits….

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25 May 2009

Ed Milliband Visits the Transition Network Conference as a ‘Keynote Listener’

bacmillibEd Milliband, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, visited the Transition Network conference on Friday afternoon as a ‘Keynote Listener’, which all went very well.  He was meant to only stay for half an hour, but ended up stayed nearly an hour and a half.  When he arrived I explained to him how Open Space worked, and he looked through the list of Open Space sessions and picked a few he’d like to go to.  After sitting in on 3 sessions, including a very interesting one about how to communicate the idea of ‘less’, he came back down to the atrium where Peter Lipman and myself (well, Peter mostly…) interviewed him.  It was a fascinating conversation, one you can hear below.

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Discussion: 21 Comments

Categories: General

25 May 2009

My Conference – Ciaran from Bristol

crashcoursedvdIt all started so well. . . . then I lost Peter Lipman’s unique copy of the Chris Masterson Crash Course DVD. If you’ve seen it somewhere, let me know and I’ll buy dinner. If Pete ever forgives me I hope to still run the extra workshop running after the football/softball session.

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25 May 2009

My Conference – Davie Phillips, Ireland

daviepSo I am over at the Transition Gathering in London, to be honest I am a bit overwhelmed both with the size of the city and this conference. I arrived on Friday to a hall full of ‘transitionistas’ from all over the world. It is twice the size of last years event, there  is about 400 here and I have met people here from all corners of the UK, Ireland and even the US, Australia, France, Hong Kong , and New Zealand. The mapping/ milling exercise that started the three day event helped us to get an idea of where people are from geographically, the size of their communities and what stage their Transition initiatives are at.

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