Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

14 Sep 2009

The Stroud Pound Hits the Tills

stroud pound 1This weekend saw the launch of the Stroud Pound.  Four denominations have been published, and over at Josef Coates-Davis’s blog, he tells the story of the design of the notes.

“The notes, designed by local artist Ronan Schoemaker and produced by local currency collector Steve Charlwood, are like miniature histories of the economic and cultural life of the Five Valleys. The most prominent local celebrity to feature is Laurie Lee, author of Cider with Rosie, who was born in Stroud and is buried in the Slad Valley. Local wildlife is represented by the rare Adonis Blue butterfly found on Minchinhampton Common. Stroud’s economic heritage is commemorated by the teazle itself, while the lawnmower, invented in Stroud, the green felt cloth that is still made in the town and Thomas the Tank Engine also feature”.

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11 Sep 2009

Why We Need Formal Agreements for National Transition Hubs

handdocHere is the response to the previous post.  These are offered in the hope that they inspire some kind of a discussion/debate around this.  Please feel free to contribute and share your thoughts.  In case you missed it in yesterday’s post, you can read the MoU document that is the subject of all this conversation here.

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Discussion: 17 Comments

Categories: General, Transition Network

11 Sep 2009

Why We Don’t Need Formal Agreements for National Transition Hubs

handdoc3The Transition Network recently produced a Memorandum of Understanding for emerging national Transition organisations, which now are up and running in Ireland, New Zealand, the US, Sweden and Italy.  The idea is to enable and support the transfer of the jobs Transition Network does (in particular assessing applications for ‘formal’ Transition status) to a group in that country.  Recently, in New Zealand, a fascinating debate has emerged about the MoU in its current form, and to what extent it is ‘top down’, and whether it is even desirable at all.

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: General, Transition Network

11 Sep 2009

‘In Transition’ Premieres Around the World

intransitionpremiereOn Wednesday night, ‘In Transition: from oil dependency to local resilience’ was shown for the first time in communities around the world.  I was at the screening at the almost-full Barn Cinema in Dartington, where I introduced the film along with producer Emma Goude.  We asked the audience to wave for a photo (see left).  The film was also being shown in 8 cinemas in New Zealand, as was reported in the Timaru Herald.  There were at least another 20 places in the UK that we know of where the film was shown.  Were you at a screening, or did you organise one?  Do tell us your stories of your first screening.  Over September and October we are hoping to get as many public screenings of the film held as possible.  For details on organising one, see here.

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Transition Movie

10 Sep 2009

Needed: Volunteer Transcriber(s) for ‘In Transition’

movie1As already mentioned here, in December, after a couple of months of just public screenings, the DVD version of ‘In Transition’ will be released.  We have had many requests from around the world for the DVD version to have subtitles in a number of languages, and many people have already volunteered to do that.  In order to proceed, we need someone (or a team of people) to produce a transcript of the film that they can work from.  Would anyone out there like to volunteer to do this?  Your name(s) would of course appear in the credits, and you’d have the pleasure of being able to watch the film all to yourself (albeit very slowly!).  If you would like to, please contact me at robjhopkins (at)  Thanks!

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Transition Movie