Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

8 Jun 2010

A Film Record of Last Year’s Transition Scotland Gathering

Here is a great short film which provides a really good record of last year’s Transition Scotland gathering.  Thanks to everyone who put this together…

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7 Jun 2010

North Howe Transition Toun, a Green Communities Case Study…

Here is a great short film, produced by the Energy Savings Trust, which looks at the work of the North Howe Transition Toun group in Scotland, in particular at their Energy Saving Toolkit.  Great stuff….

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Categories: General

7 Jun 2010

Exclusive to Transition Culture: An Interview with Chris Martenson: Part One

martenson1A while ago, Peter Lipman and myself did an interview with Chris Martenson when he was in Bristol as part of his tour of the UK.  We did an extensive and far-ranging interview, which was absolutely fascinating.  Unfortunately, the memory card in my recording machine was irreparably damaged shortly thereafter and the interview lost, and so, a couple of weeks ago, we repeated the exercise, this time over the phone.  This ‘second-time lucky’ interview covers much of the same ground, and proved to be just as fascinating.

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7 Jun 2010

‘Local Money’ Competition Results Announced

Champagne PoppingThe moment of truth has arrived.  Before I announce the winners, I must make reference to the ‘Maleny Bunga’ which, as several of you pointed out was actually called the Maleny Bunya (I blame the Transition Maleny website, which refers to the ‘Bunga’!).  Seeing as it was my mistake, and that therefore strictly speaking, saying that the Bunga wasn’t a real currency was actually a correct answer, I have also accepted that as a third possible correct answer, the other two being the Belgooly Spondooley (c’mon Belgooly, make our day, go for it…) and the Glasgow Gromit.  So, in no particular order, here are the 5 winners, chosen by, each of whom get a copy of Pete North’s wonderful new book ‘Local Money’.  Raymond Veermaak, Mary Loveday-Edwards, Guy Martin, Jonathan Dawson and Tina Boynton.  Well done all…..

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Categories: General

4 Jun 2010

Rethinking Transition as a Pattern Language: an introduction

PatternLanguageYesterday I posted a document which contained the first rough attempt at sketching out a new way of communicating Transition, using Christopher Alexander’s ‘pattern language’ approach.  Over the coming weeks and months I will be blogging more about this, but in advance of the 2010 Transition Network conference (only a week to go!), I thought it might be helpful to give some more background on this.  What is a ‘pattern language’ and why might it be a better way of communicating Transition?  Here are some initial thoughts. 

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