Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

28 Sep 2010

A Discussion about ‘Ways of Knowing’ in Transition …

Here’s a fascinating (albeit rather lengthy… make yourself a nice cup of tea and sit down to read this with that apple cake you just made), account of a discussion a few people involved in Transition Network held recently to discuss the balance between inner and outer work, and the validity of different ways of knowing.  It is offered here in the hope that it stimulates some in depth and insightful comments (I’m sure it will….).  The meeting was attended by Sophy Banks, Ben Brangwyn, Naresh Giangrande, Rob Hopkins, Peter Lipman, Hilary Prentice and Fiona Ward, and set out to explore the following four questions:

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28 Sep 2010

A Report from the 2010 Transition Cascadia Regional Summit

Here is a guest blog from David Johnson…

On Thursday, September 15th an historic event took place in the development of Transition on the North American continent. With over 70 people in attendance from across the North West, the first Northwest/Cascadian Transition Summit took place in Seattle. In such a large continent with diverse geographies, bioregional networks can help Initiatives in a given area link in with each other, sharing skills, resources and best practices, and so build strength and support within their bioregion. On this day even national borders were no boundary, with people traveling down from Canada to join in the conversations.

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Discussion: Comments Off on A Report from the 2010 Transition Cascadia Regional Summit

Categories: Community Involvement, Culture, Diversity, Localisation, Resilience, Storytelling, Transition Initiatives

27 Sep 2010

Throwing Some Light on the Patterns….

My years as a teacher taught me that if one person asks a question, even if they think they are “missing something obvious”, chances are that many others are wondering the same thing.  This is probably an opportune moment in the rolling out of this patterns approach to stop and take stock as to whether everyone is still with me here!  This was triggered by an email I received yesterday from Kate Clark:

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26 Sep 2010

Transition as a Pattern Language: Forming Working Groups


A key part of BECOMING A FORMAL ORGANISATION is the creation of working groups. They also enable the initiative to move to creating PRACTICAL MANIFESTATIONS and to embodying the ‘PROJECT SUPPORT’ CONCEPT, whereby the initiative is driven by the people who are passionate about it and who are putting the time in on the ground to making things happen.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition as a Pattern Language: Forming Working Groups

Categories: Transition as a Pattern Language

26 Sep 2010

Stroud’s Open Eco-Homes: The Movie!!

Here’s a short film from the recent Open Eco-Homes event in Stroud… my thanks to Philip Booth

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Discussion: Comments Off on Stroud’s Open Eco-Homes: The Movie!!

Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Energy, Localisation, Resilience, Technology, Transition Initiatives