Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

7 Feb 2011

The Intergalactic Health & Safety Inspectorate 1

Today we begin a new cartoon strip by illustrious cartoonist Marc Roberts, offering a sideways look at Transition. I will be posting two strips every Monday, and two every Friday… hold onto your hats… (still haven’t quite ironed out the scaling of them, but we’re working on it… click on them to see them in their entirety).

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: General, Gort & Klaatu cartoons

7 Feb 2011

Transition Town Totnes in the Observer

Yesterday’s Observer magazine had a 4 page article about Transition Town Totnes by Lucy Siegle, entitled  “Totnes: Britain’s town of the future: Totnes in Devon might be the most forward-thinking eco settlement in the world. As fossil-fuel reserves dwindle and the economy contracts, will resident-led Transition Towns become the way that we all live?”.  You can read it in full here.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition Town Totnes in the Observer

Categories: General

7 Feb 2011

Social Enterprise in Action two-day workshop, Totnes.

From my experience of going to different events which promote the concept of social enterprise, it is clear that the idea that social enterprise can be used as a driver for decarbonisation and economic localisation is a very small but emergent part of the social enterprise ‘scene’.  It was therefore timely and fascinating to spend 2 days in Totnes last week exploring, in a collaboration between Transition Network, Local United and Transition Town Totnes, the role social enterprise and entrepreneurship might play in building resilience at the local level.

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2 Feb 2011

How might we reminisce about the Age of Oil and Debt?

My aunt just moved house, and her new place contains many fixtures and fittings that almost certainly date from the early 1960s, which are, to say the least, rather dated.  There are those things in front of lights that look like a heavy glass ashtray, and a wide range of lampshades for which I feel pretty sure there is no highly valuable ‘retro’ market on Ebay.  One in particular got me thinking.  Modelled on what people presumably imagined lamps were like before electricity, it is a great clunky wooden thing with 4 arms, each of which has a ‘candle’ (a light bulb) on the end.  What I thought was fascinating was the detailing. 

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Discussion: 11 Comments

Categories: Culture, General, Resilience, Storytelling

2 Feb 2011

A January Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

We’re starting in Hungary with exciting news…because Tracey, Isti and Peti from Global Projekt and from the first Transition initiative in Hungary – Klimabarát Wekerle – have been busy working on the magyar felirattal, or Hungarian subtitles, for the In Transition 1.0 film, and they’re all finished now! Here is the subtitled version, and Tracy also has DVD copies available. Thank you all so much!

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