Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

23 May 2011

What Worthing are (is?) up to…

Here is a short film from Transition Town Worthing that I thought you might enjoy, giving an overview of what they are up to… .  Busy today sorting the final selection of photos for the Transition Companion….

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20 May 2011

Postcards from the Future

London's Gherkin as a high-density, multi-occupation tower block.

As we have fun here working on some of the photoshopped images from the future for ‘The Transition Companion’, my attention was drawn to an exhibition on at the National Theatre until May 31st (in the Olivier Theatre Exhibition Area on Level 1).  It is called ‘Postcards from the Future’ and it uses large, backlit photoshopped images of London in a future world suffering the impacts of climate change.  As the artists put it, “even we were surprised by the way the story unfolded as the scene was created. Each picture has become a mini soap-opera, alive with colour, drama, triumph and adversity as our city is transformed and Londoners adapt to meet this change.”  Some very Parliament Square rice paddies and the Buckingham Palace shanty are especially eye catching I think.  Well worth checking out if you are in London.

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Categories: Climate Change, Culture

19 May 2011

Might peak oil and climate change outlive their usefulness as framings for Transition?

TTT's Frances Northrop proudly displaying its new plaque...

Here’s a kind of half-formed thought that might possibly go somewhere if I start writing about it.  This September sees the fifth anniversary of the Unleashing of Transition Town Totnes.  We were deeply flattered the other day to receive a somewhat premature but very welcome plaque from the Town Council bearing the inscription “Transition Town Totnes: to celebrate their first 5 years of activity within the town”.  I’ll probably write a more detailed ‘Totnes: some reflections after 5 years in Transition’ in September, but this post was prompted by an email from a friend in Totnes, who grew up here in the 1960s and is very much a pillar of the community.  He had valiantly read my dissertation, ‘Localisation and Resilience‘, cover to cover and wrote with some reflections.  In his email he makes a very interesting point:

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16 May 2011

Incredible Edible Totnes gets underway with its first plantings

The BBC film crew filming the Incredible Edible Totnes group planting food at Steamer Quay....

A few months ago, Paul Clarke of Incredible Edible Todmorden came to Totnes and gave a talk about their work.  As a result, Incredible Edible Totnes was suggested and I am delighted to report that its first project is underway.  Down at Steamer Quay they have taken over 8 unloved Council planters and filled them with peas, beans, rocket, lettuce, nasturtiums and much more.  The food is there for anyone to help themselves to, and indeed I had some rather nice rocket from there the other day.  Click here to hear an interview on the new Totnes FM radio station with Joy Hanson, one of the project’s founders.  The BBC have been in Totnes for the past week filming for a series called ‘Towns’, which will be broadcast in September, and they filmed some sequences of work underway on the planters (see above).  Here are some more pictures of the Steamer Quay planters… more projects are now being planned…

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Categories: Community Involvement, Food, Great Reskilling, Localisation, Resilience, Transition Initiatives

13 May 2011

Transition Town Tufnell Park’s ‘Big Dig’

Here’s a lovely short film from London about a back garden make-over organised by Transition Town Tufnell Park…

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