Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

28 Oct 2008

Transition Network Newsletter now online

It has long been a source of frustration that Transition Network has been unable to produce a regular newsletter of some kind to enable Transitionistas of various hues to keep in touch with each other and with events, news and developments across the network. Now we need no longer bemoan its non-existence, as Transition Network News is now here!  Mike Grenville of Transition Forest Row has nobly stepped into the breach and taken on the task of ensuring that once a month, you all can get a nutritious Transition snack, a satisfying digest of all that is good and delicious out there in Transition Land.  You can see October’s newsletter (Mike’s first) here, and the main page, which will be updated with news as and when it arrives here.  If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, so that it appears miraculously in your email once a month, click here.  Our thanks to Mike for providing this wonderful service.  If you want anything to go in November’s newsletter, please email your stories and news to Mike.

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Transition Network

27 Oct 2008

The Great Unleashings of Transitions Norwich and Brixton

Ben Brangwyn and Duncan Law cutting the cake at the Brixton Unleashing.

Ben Brangwyn and Duncan Law cutting the cake at the Brixton Unleashing.

Although this post comes a bit late, I was waiting for all of its ingredients to fall into place, which they now have, so here it is.  A couple of weeks ago, two big Unleashings took place, which offered inspiring examples to other places planning theirs.  I was booked to speak at both of them, but I was unfortunately unwell with some unknown horrible lurgy which meant Ben Brangwyn ably stepped in at the last minute and went in my place.  Reports soon started filtering back from both events which communicated how each event uniquely embodied the concept of an Unleashing being a dynamic evening which marks the start of an historic process.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: General

23 Oct 2008

Peak Oil and the Snake in the Loft

I was struck by a story I read in the Metro newspaper the other day, about a couple in Ashton-under-Lyne who had discovered that a snake was on the loose in their house. Neither of them have actually seen the offending reptile, but they have found two shed skins 1 metre long each in their attic (personally, I think having found the first one the chances of my ever setting foot in the loft again would be virtually zero).

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Discussion: 6 Comments

Categories: Peak Oil

22 Oct 2008

LSE Dissertation on Transition Initiatives Now Available

Richard O’Rourke has recently had the unenviable task of writing about peak oil and potential solutions to it as part of a Masters at the London School of Economics, that great bastion of Flat Earth economists.  His dissertation, entitled “Transition Towns: Ecotopia Emerging? The role of Civil Society in escaping Carbon Lock-In” examines the Transition model in the context of the concept of Ecotopia, and of previous green movements.  You can download this excellent piece of work here. It also features in the introduction his story of his ‘peak oil moment’ and his subsequent attempts to communicate that awareness within LSE.  The dissertation itself is a fascinating take on where Transition has got to.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: General

21 Oct 2008

The 2008 Schumacher Award

I was deeply honoured last week to be the recipient of the 2008 Schumacher Award.  It is, as much as anything, a huge recognition of the amazing work you are all doing across the world trying out this simple set of principles and tools.  When it was presented at the Schumacher Lectures in Bristol, I dedicated it to everyone active in Transition, without whom it would all just be a collection of ideas.  So although this beautiful wooden award will reside at Transition Towers (and no, it’s not like the FA Cup as some have asked, I don’t have to give it back next year) it partly belongs to all of you, so well done.  At least they spelt my name right, unlike the Independent’s Top 100 Environmentalists, where I was very flattered to come 77th, but they spelt my name wrong (Hoskins indeed….!).  It is great to see this work starting to appear on peoples’ radars.

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