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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Waste/Recycling” category

Showing results 31 - 35 of 58 for the category: Waste/Recycling.

18 Sep 2008

Albert Bates on peak oil, relocalisation and why the hippys were right all along

In Totnes, one sometimes hears the term ‘old hippy’ used as a term of abuse.  Last week in Totnes, Albert Bates, an old hippy of the highest order, thrilled a full house at the Methodist Hall with the story of the Farm Ecovillage in Tennessee. It was a delight for me, as I first heard Albert speaking in 1995, when I was a fresh-faced, just qualified permaculturist who was lucky enough to get a bursary to attend the ‘Eco-Villages and Sustainable Communities’ conference at Findhorn.  The speech Albert gave there, one long evening, was a life changing moment. 

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25 Jul 2008

Peak Football and waving goodbye to Ronaldo

I spent a couple of days last week attending the Green New Deal think-tank type event in London, and at one point we were asked to speak about what we thought we would see in the world in 50 months from now (late 2012). One of the things I came up with was “the first World Cup Finals to be cancelled because no-one could get to them”. While football isn’t a subject often touched on here at Transition Culture, I have to confess I love it, and am fascinated by what we might come to call ‘peak football’. Football is not immune to the credit crunch nor to rising fuel prices, and in this age of ridiculous salaries being given to top players and insane transfer fees, something, at some point, has to give, and it looks like it might be starting to happen as we speak.

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3 Jul 2008

The Art of Wishful Thinking or Why The World Cup Finals Won’t Get Us Out of This

Yesterday morning, while chivvying my kids along to eat their breakfast and clean their teeth (not simultaneously), I had one ear on a piece on Radio 4’s Today programme about the economy and recession, prompted by Marks and Spencer’s dismal drop in share price, and its CEO talking of “stormy times ahead” for the UK economy. One of the guests was Sir Martin Sorrell (right), a businessman, who attempted to offer an upbeat picture of the future for the UK economy that left me scratching my head.

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30 Jun 2008

Film Review: Garbage Warrior

So, ‘Sex and the City’ wasn’t the only film I saw this week, as it turns out (amazing how many comments that piece generated!). I also had the pleasure to see the excellent new film ‘Garbage Warrior’ which focuses on the life and work of Michael Reynolds, who developed the concept of the Earthship, homes built using waste materials, most famously old car tyres. Here is the film’s trailer;

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20 Jun 2008

The Fascinating Story of a Viral Drum Break

This has really very little to do with Transition, peak oil, or any of our usual fodder here at Transition Culture. It is a short film that I found rather fascinating, which is an interesting take on the idea of things that ‘go viral’. I am fascinated by how that happens, it seems to be happening with Transition initiatives, with many other ideas too; this is a film about a 6 second drum ‘break’, known as the ‘Amen break’, recorded in 1969, which , with the invention of the sampler, has gone viral. No profound lessons for Transition here (unless you can spot any), just something I found rather intriguing.

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Discussion: 11 Comments

Categories: General, Waste/Recycling